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The dermabrasion is a method of skin rejuvenation, for which use is made of a brush buzzer or diamond wheel. In this way, the most superficial layers of the skin are eliminated, thus favoring the growth of new skin, healthier and with a more uniform appearance in both color and texture . Although its applications are very wide, it is used in a high percentage of cases to treat acne scars.

What is it?

Dermabrasion is a procedure in which the skin is exfoliated using a rapid rotation device , which is used to polish the outer layers of the skin. In this way, once the treatment has been carried out, the skin that grows back is younger and, therefore, has a younger and smoother appearance.

It is generally used to minimize the signs of aging on the skin, such as wrinkles and fine lines. This cosmetic treatment is also used to improve the appearance of scars, especially those caused by acne.

Dermabrasion is performed under local anesthesia, so it is a painless procedure.

Why is dermabrasion performed?

Dermabrasion is a widely used cosmetic treatment to treat a large selection of confictions and conditions.

One of the most common applications is to improve the appearance of acne scars . It is also used to say goodbye to wrinkles, although these must be small and not too deep, to obtain the desired results.

Another application of dermabrasion is to remove sun and / or age spots on the face.

In some cases it is also a resorted procedure to remove tattoos. There are those who, after having a certain tattoo done, wish to remove it from their skin as they regret it. Well, in addition to laser, dermabrasion is another technique that allows them to be erased as it polishes the outer layers of the skin.

Dermabrasion benefits

This aesthetic treatment has a wide range of benefits to treat different conditions, which is why it is increasingly in demand by men and women around the world.

  • It allows to refine the thickened areas of the skin , thus achieving a much finer appearance and a velvety texture.
  • Dermabrasion removes dead cells from the tissues , thus promoting oxygenation of the skin.
  • It stimulates the natural production of both collagen and elastin, thus preventing premature aging of the skin.
  • Corrects various skin irregularities, such as fine lines or acne scars.
  • Profiles open pores and eliminates blackheads.

Dermoabrasion: procedure

Now we are going to explain how dermabrasion is performed, taking into account both the procedure itself and the previous preparation and subsequent care.

In the vast majority of cases, this treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Before the procedure

There are a number of steps to take before dermabrasion. First, what is related to medications; the doctor recommends stopping anticoagulant treatment.

Second, if the patient smokes, it is advisable to stop smoking for a week or two before and after dermabrasion. The reason is that tobacco reduces blood flow to the skin , thereby impairing the healing process.

Third, your doctor may recommend applying a retinoid cream for several weeks prior to treatment to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of infection.

And finally, it is very important to avoid exposure to the sun without adequate protection. Doing so can cause the appearance of spots in the areas to be treated.

During the procedure

Once the patient comes to the clinic, the medical staff proceeds to clean the face and cover the eyes. Next, mark the area to be treated and apply a topical anesthetic to reduce the sensitivity of the skin.

When dermabrasion begins, a team member is responsible for keeping the patient’s skin tight. At the same time the doctor moves the derabrasor, a small motorized instrument with an abrasive wheel at the end , over the skin, exerting a very light and constant pressure. In this way, it proceeds to carefully extract the outer layers of the skin , thus revealing a new skin, with a much smoother texture and a rejuvenated appearance.

As for the duration of the procedure, it can range from a few minutes to several hours. It largely depends on the extent of the skin to be treated. In general, the time is longer when the patient has deep scars or the area to be treated is very extensive.

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After the procedure

Once the treatment is finished, the skin is covered with a slightly moistened , non-adherent bandage . The most common is that the patient must go for a check-up after a few days for the doctor to check the condition of the skin and change the bandage.

It is important to remember that during the recovery process the skin is red and swollen . Also, a burning and tingling sensation is common.

As the days go by, a scab forms over the treated area; This happens when the skin begins to heal.


After dermabrasion, the new skin shows greater sensitivity than usual and is also red in color. Usually, the swelling begins to disappear within a few days, although it can last several weeks, or even months.

When the treated area begins to heal, the skin becomes smoother, with a velvety texture . To avoid permanent color changes on the skin, it is advisable to use a sun protection cream.

Side effects of dermabrasion

Dermabrasion has a number of side effects that are important to be aware of before undergoing this procedure.

  • Redness: after treatment it is common for the treated skin to have a reddened appearance; in some cases it also has slight swelling. They are completely normal side effects, which disappear after a few days.
  • Acne: it is also common to feel small white bumps on the skin that has been treated with dermabrasion. In the vast majority of cases they disappear on their own after a few days. If not, the doctor recommends the use of soap or an abrasive sponge.
  • Enlarged pores: another of the side effects of this aesthetic treatment are enlarged pores. They usually return to their normal size after the swelling has subsided.
  • Changes in skin color: Dermabrasion often causes the treated skin to turn darker than normal for a certain period of time; This is what is known as hyperpigmentation. It can also appear lighter than usual, hypopigmentation, although it is not as common.

Risks of dermabrasion

Like any medical or cosmetic treatment, dermabrasion has a number of risks. These are generally minimal since the clinics comply with all hygienic and sanitary measures.

  • Infection: In rare cases, dermabrasion can lead to an infection from bacteria or a virus.
  • Scars: another risk of this treatment is scars, especially when the dermabrasion is carried out very deeply. In some cases the doctor recommends the use of steroids to reduce the appearance of this type of scars.
  • Allergic reactions: and lastly, allergic reactions are another potential risk of this treatment.

Dermabrasion to treat acne

As we have pointed out, one of the most frequent uses of dermabrasion is to treat acne. It is a very effective treatment to give a more uniform appearance to the scars caused by acne . However, there are a number of factors that greatly influence the results obtained with the treatment, such as the type of skin or the level of care of the patient after the session.

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Finally, we want to point out the difference between both aesthetic treatments.

Dermabrasion is a procedure that is performed in greater depth, eliminating the most superficial layers of the skin, until it reaches collagen. In this way it achieves a total renewal of the skin.

Meanwhile, microdermabrasion is a less invasive procedure , which only removes the most superficial layer of the skin. It is therefore a highly recommended treatment in those cases in which you want to remove shallow acne scars .

The recovery time in both treatments is different. While microdermabrasion requires very little downtime, dermabrasion requires up to two weeks.


In short, facial dermabrasion is a great option to relieve scars caused by acne on the face. Although it has many other uses, this is the most common.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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