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Lump in groin

The appearance of a lump in a certain area of ​​the body is always a cause for concern. In the case of the lump in the groin , it does not necessarily have to be a malignant tumor. There are many other benign causes that can cause its appearance, such as an inguinal hernia or a cystic hair.

Causes of groin lump

If you have a lump in your groin there are a series of characteristics that you should pay attention to in order to find the possible cause: if it is red , if it hurts when pressing … Both characteristics are frequent, and are due in the vast majority of cases an infection caused by a cut during waxing.

Inguinal ganglion

The lymph nodes in the groin area are known as the inguinal node . These lymph nodes are part of the body’s own defenses, and are responsible for filtering lymph, the fluid found between cells. Lymph filtering is necessary to detect any type of malignant microorganism and thus prevent its entry into the body.

Ingrown hair

The lump in the groin can also appear due to ingrown hair, a very common cause in adults. This cause is easy to detect since the lump is red in color and also hurts to touch.

Regarding its treatment, it is best to go to the pharmacy to buy an antibacterial cream . It is also a good idea to place a gauze pad over the lump to minimize the risk of infection on contact with clothing.

You must check how the injury progresses. If as the days go by it worsens, it is important that you go to the doctor. In no case do you have to try to remove the lump yourself at home because you could exacerbate the problem.

Inguinal hernia

An inguinal hernia occurs when a certain tissue protrudes through a point in the muscles of the abdomen . The lump in the groin hurts in the vast majority of cases, especially when coughing or lifting heavy objects.

It is not a serious disease, although it does require medical treatment. Generally, the doctor recommends surgery to repair the hernia located in the groin.

The symptoms of an inguinal hernia are very noticeable: a lump in the groin that is more painful when coughing or exerting some effort, a burning sensation in the area, and discomfort and pressure in the groin.

In many cases the inguinal hernia does not have any specific cause. In others, the causes can be very diverse: excessive straining when defecating, pregnancy or chronic cough.


When the lump in the groin is caused by a cyst, it is easy to tell. The lump is round in shape and small in size. As for its color, it is usually whitish and does not cause pain, unless it is infected.

It does not matter much, although it is important to pay attention to whether it changes in size or color as the days go by. If so, it is advisable to go to the doctor for its removal.

Malignant tumor

Although it is not the most common, the lump in the groin can also be caused by a malignant tumor. In this case, the lump feels hard to the touch and does not cause any kind of pain, not even when doing some kind of physical effort . It can be caused by cancer of the testicles, vagina, penis, or rectum.

Groin lump: diagnosis

If the lump in the groin causes pain, itching and increases in size, you should see a doctor to establish a diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment.

In the first place, you will take a medical history , taking into account your state of health and if you suffer from any chronic disease. Then they will assess the size, color and type of the package.

One of the most requested tests to make the diagnosis is the pelvic scan . In this way, the doctor can check if the lump is benign and what is its type.

If you have any suspicions that the lump is a malignant tumor, you will proceed with a biopsy . It is a relatively simple medical test, which involves removing a sample of skin tissue to check for cancer cells.

Home remedies for groin lump

If the lump in the groin is due to a cyst or fat ball , there are a number of natural remedies that you can apply yourself at home. They are solutions made with 100% homemade ingredients, very simple to put into practice.

  • Moist heat: one of the simplest solutions is to apply humid heat to the affected area. If you have an electric blanket at home you can use it. Otherwise, use a slightly damp warm cloth. This will help the drainage and healing of the lump.
  • Tea tree oil: This is one of the most used natural ingredients in the world thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. For the healing of the cyst in the groin, it helps to heal the infection.
  • Aloe vera: Like tea tree oil, aloe vera is a natural ingredient with a great selection of benefits for the skin. It helps fight the bacteria that cause the cyst infection and relieves the symptoms.
  • Healthy lifestyle: This is the easiest home remedy to put into practice. It is about leading a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and physical exercise.

How to differentiate a bad lump from a good one?

Although the appearance of a lump in a certain area of ​​the body can be a cause for concern, it does not necessarily have to be bad. The lumps can appear in many places, such as the groin.

One of the aspects to value is its size. There are small lumps , whose size does not exceed 2 centimeters, and others much larger. The most important thing is that you are able to assess its evolution: if it increases in size, if it hurts, if more lumps appear …

Doctors call any lump that appears on the body a tumor , regardless of its nature. However, this does not mean that it is cancer as the lump can be benign or malignant.

Benign lumps are generally soft, move easily, have no ridges, are painful, and grow rapidly. In contrast, bad bumps are hard, fixed, and have a rough appearance.

There are many different types of lumps. One of the most common in adults are cysts as a result of the accumulation of sebum or fat. It is essential to avoid possible infection.

Lump in the groin in children


The lump in the groin can also occur in children. It is usually due to inguinal hernias that appear during the first year of life. It is the pediatrician who detects it in the first check-ups performed on the baby. The lump does not have to be always present, but in some cases it only occurs when the child cries or defecates.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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