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Recommendations for a healthy and happy pregnancy

To have a healthy and peaceful pregnancy, we must not only look at physical health. It is equally essential to be mentally calm, happy and above all prepared to welcome a new member into our lives. That is why we are going to give in this article some tips and recommendations to have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Nutrition during pregnancy

The basic principle of a pregnant woman’s diet should be “quality” and not quantity. The idea that a pregnant woman should eat for two has no foundation.

Food should be done regularly, in small amounts and often. Eating habits will not only have an effect on the development of the baby, they can also influence the course and well-being of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium .

Generally speaking, a pregnant woman needs an average of 350 Kcal per day more than a non-pregnant woman, that is, 2550 Kcal per day. In addition, individual variants (weight and height), physical activity, climate and temperature of the place where you live must be taken into account. The increase in Kcal is necessary for the formation of new tissues and the increase in the mother’s basal metabolism.

Let’s look at some of the main nutrients that every pregnant woman should consume:

Proteins : They participate in the formation of tissues and in the production of hormones and antibodies. Foods rich in protein are eggs, meat, fish, cheeses, legumes and nuts.

Fats : constitute an important source and energy reserve. They are also rich in vitamins, especially A and D. They appear in creams, sausages, cheeses, fried foods and sweets. The best seasoning is olive oil, which is rich in vitamins and better digested.

Carbohydrates : they are an immediate source of energy. Their must be constant as they burn continuously. They are found in cereals (wheat, corn …), fruits, honey, tubers (potato, carrot), vegetables and milk.

Vitamins : they favor growth and are found in all foods, therefore if the diet is balanced, it is not necessary to take any medicinal preparation.

  • Vitamin A: intervenes in the formation of organs of sight, bones, teeth and mucous membranes. It is found in milk and derivatives, egg yolk, liver, vegetables and greens.
  • Vitamin B1: intervenes in the functioning of the nerves and heart. It is found in pork, organ meats, legumes, nuts, potatoes, and oranges.
  • Vitamin B2: intervenes in metabolic processes. It is found in milk, organ meats, nuts, peas, and beans.
  • Niacin: intervenes in the functioning of the digestive system , formation of sex hormones, maintenance of the skin and nervous system . It is found in liver, oily fish, rabbit, and nuts.
  • Vitamin C : intervenes in wound healing, bone and tooth development and resistance to infections. It is found in citrus fruits, milk, eggs, and fish.
  • Vitamin D: facilitates the absorption of calcium and mineralization of bones. It is found in oily fish, liver, eggs, and butter.
  • Vitamin B6: favors the digestion and assimilation of food and cures the vomiting of the pregnant woman. It is found in mushrooms, tomatoes, milk, brown rice and bread, egg yolks, and meat.
  • Vitamin B12: participates in the formation of red blood cells. It is found in liver, milk, and egg yolk.
  • Folic acid: allows the development of fetal tissues and the synthesis of DNA. It is found in the green leaves of vegetables, liver and nuts.
  • Vitamin E: it is important for the development of the fetus and the good progress of the pregnancy. It is widely distributed in all foods.
  • Vitamin K : intervenes in the blood clotting process. It is found in spinach, egg yolks, tomatoes, and cabbages.

Mineral salts : they do not provide energy but play an important role in the balanced development of the body. Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the formation of bones. Sodium and potassium regulate fluid balance. Iron, copper and magnesium are involved in the formation of elements in the blood. They are found in all foods and mainly in milk, vegetables, fruits and meat.

Calcium plays a fundamental role in the development of the child. When the mother does not take in enough calcium, it will be extracted from her own bones to meet the needs of the child, and osteoporosis may appear in the mother in the future.

Therefore, the pregnant woman should take daily rations of foods rich in calcium such as milk and derivatives.

Water : two thirds of our body is made up of water.

Water has multiple functions, regulates temperature, transports nutrients and waste, participates in the assimilation of the nutrient and is found in all foods.

The pregnant woman should drink at least 8 glasses of water or in the form of juice, soup or other liquid a day since during pregnancy the amount of fluid in the body increases, it also fights constipation , prevents urinary infections, eliminates toxins and maintains the hydrated skin.

Cooking tips

The way in which food is prepared is of great importance, since the use of nutrients depends on it.

Vegetables should be eaten raw, if possible, and if they are cooked they should be steamed with very little water and salt (to avoid accumulating liquids). If they are boiled by the traditional method, the mineral salts and vitamins dissolve in the water or are lost by steam.

Avoid eating fried eggs and use oil and not butter to make omelets.

– Sauces: they should not be fried or seasoned.
– Meat and fish: grilled and lightly seasoned.
– Sweets: replace sugar with honey to prevent constipation.

Cravings during pregnancy

There is an old popular belief that if the pregnant woman has a great desire to eat something and it is not fulfilled, the child will come out with a spot reminiscent of food. Well, baby spots are vascular formations that have nothing to do with the mother’s unfulfilled food wishes.

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Cravings can be due to hormonal variations or be psychological manifestations that express the need for affection and affection as well as express nutritional deficiencies.

Exercising during pregnancy

Moderate exercise during pregnancy is recommended, as long as there are no medical contraindications. Its main benefits are: it relieves back pain, prevents constipation, promotes circulation by preventing varicose veins and provides a general state of well-being during pregnancy. It also makes labor easier.

If the pregnancy is risky, exercise should be limited and even dispensed with. Situations where exercise is not recommended are: repeat miscarriages, incompetent cervix, bleeding, severe hypertension.

The recommended exercises during pregnancy are: long and frequent walks, swimming, cycling, gentle traditional gymnastics, yoga. In addition, it will be very important to perform exercises in preparation for childbirth, as well as relaxation techniques.

Strenuous or risky exercises such as horse riding, skiing, adventure sports … should be avoided.

Pregnancy and work

If the pregnancy is normal, the woman does not have to stop working, unless the working conditions pose a risk.

Here are some situations that should be avoided whenever possible:

  • Activities that involve great physical effort, as they can be detrimental to pregnancy.
  • Staying in a certain posture (standing or sitting) for a long time. You should try to change your position a little from time to time.
  • Continuous shift changes can alter sleep: it is preferable to have a stable work schedule …
  • Stressful activity that does not allow rest.
  • Exposure to chemical substances that can cross the placental filter and reach the fetus: they can be very harmful, leading to abortions, malformations or premature births.
  • Exposure to infectious agents (teachers, health personnel …). If the pregnant woman is not sure that she is immunized against certain infectious diseases, such as rubella, measles, these situations can be risky.
  • The workplace environment is also important; presence of gases or radiation, too cold or heat, a very noisy environment can be considered risky.
  • Work far from home: sitting in the car for a long time, taking many public transports … are not recommended due to the fatigue that this can cause.

By law, any pregnant woman whose job position poses a risk to the pregnancy, has the right to change her workplace during it.

At work at home it is necessary to take some precautions, especially at the end of pregnancy. Do not stay in the same position for a long time, prevent falls as the sense of balance may be disturbed, distribute tasks throughout the day to avoid fatigue. There is also a danger of contagion of infectious diseases, if there are other children or animals at home.

Essential hygiene habits for pregnant women

Pregnancy involves a series of changes in the woman’s body, which require some special care. The woman must continue to take care of her appearance and dedicate time to herself.

Basic daily hygiene should be the usual one, showering is recommended better than bathing to avoid infections through the birth canal. It is not recommended that the water is too hot, as it can lower blood pressure. The gel used must be neutral.

Hair should be washed with a neutral shampoo. Dyes or shapers should not be abused so that the products are not absorbed by the scalp.

Hydration of the skin with a mild body milk is very important. The daily cream for the face should include a sunscreen factor to avoid stains. Hydration and a light massage is the only prevention of stretch marks, once they have come out it is only possible to remove them with surgery.

Oral hygiene must be scrupulous since there is a greater tendency for cavities or inflammation of the gums to appear. You should go to the dentist at the slightest discomfort.

Regarding hair removal, depilatory creams should be avoided due to the absorption of the products; The hot wax should also be avoided if you have varicose veins, in that case it is advisable to use the cold one.

The sauna is not recommended because it can cause drops in tension or worsen varicose veins and hemorrhoids due to dilation of the veins due to the heat.

Vaginal washes should NOT be performed unless prescribed by a physician.

During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to breasts that are undergoing changes to prepare for breastfeeding. Hygiene should be the usual; good hydration is important. It is essential to wear a bra that supports the chest well, preferably cotton.

As for makeup, it is recommended to use products that contain natural substances to avoid possible allergies.

Traveling during pregnancy

Before deciding whether or not the pregnant woman can make a trip, it is necessary to assess the need for the trip, the gestation age and the means of transport that you want to use. Until the seventh month of pregnancy, the gynecologist usually authorizes the trips (it should always be consulted). For trips of more than 100 km, we recommend the plane, the train or the boat before the car.

Trips at the end of the third trimester should be avoided if they are too long and if it is necessary to fly, the pregnant woman will need a doctor’s certificate authorizing her.

We hope you liked these tips. If you have any recommendations for other future moms, feel free to leave a comment. Happy pregnancy!

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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