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Tingling in the face


Tingling is a relatively frequent sensation that occurs in certain areas of the body, such as the hands or feet, for example. The cause in the vast majority of cases is poor circulation. However, the tingling in the face is   not so frequent. That is why when it happens people tend to be alarmed.

Contrary to what you might think, the tingling in the face responds to a wide selection of causes, many of them mild. Still, it is important to pay attention to how long this feeling lasts and whether there are other accompanying symptoms .

What are the causes of tingling in the face?


Many experts agree that anxiety is one of the main diseases of the 21st century, both among adults and children.

Anxiety is really a defense mechanism that allows the body to better cope with certain situations as it improves performance. However, when anxiety appears on a regular basis and not just when it is necessary, it becomes a problem.

On many occasions, ongoing anxiety greatly impairs the patient’s quality of life, leading to various physical and mental symptoms. One of the most common signs is tingling in the face.


The migraine is one of the most common diseases, especially in the adult population. Despite not being a serious disorder, it is very uncomfortable since sometimes the headache is so intense that it prevents the patient from performing any activity, even work. The vast majority of migraine attacks last 3 days, although sometimes they last up to 5 or 6 days.

This is a relatively easy disease to identify. The signs to watch out for are: very severe pain in the head, blurred vision, sensitivity to odors, tingling in the face and photosensitivity.


The sinusitis is a disease characterized by the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses , usually caused by influenza . Simply put, more mucus is produced than the body can expel, so that it becomes “trapped” in this area, leading to symptoms such as: pain, fever , nasal congestion, loss of smell and bad breath.

In addition, if the inflammation is large, it can somehow affect the network of nerves in the face, thus generating the sensation of tingling in the face .


Although it is a cause very little known by the vast majority of the population, the lack of vitamins can cause tingling in the face, in addition to other symptoms. Do not forget that food is very important for the body to function properly.

There are two situations that can generate a situation of this type. On the one hand, eat a poor diet , based on foods with little nutritional value. And, on the other hand, suffer a certain disorder that prevents the body from absorbing nutrients from food.

In the specific case of group B vitamins , when the body does not receive them in adequate amounts, serious symptoms such as dizziness, diarrhea, confusion, numbness and tingling can arise. The reason is very simple: the B vitamins participate in a wide range of body functions, such as the production of red blood cells or the transformation of carbohydrates into energy.


The menopause involves a wide range of changes in the woman ‘s body. The symptoms are very varied: insomnia , mood swings , hot flashes, vaginal dryness … Although not so much is said about them, there are also others such as numbness of the face.

In this case the numbness arises because of the hormonal alterations of the menpause, which affect the nervous system and cause this symptom. It is a very annoying feeling, which can generate anxiety and a bad mood.

When tingling in the face is a symptom of menopause, in the vast majority of cases the doctor recommends what is known as hormone replacement therapy.

Cervical contracture

cervical contracture can occur for a wide range of causes. A very annoying disorder that can cause symptoms such as pain, inability to move the neck, dizziness and nausea.

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The cervicals are the muscles around the neck. The nerves of the face also pass through this area, so that sometimes a contracture of this type can cause tingling in the face.

Trigeminal neuralgia

The trigeminal is one of the facial nerves, responsible for providing sensitivity and controlling chewing. When there is some type of problem that affects the trigeminal nerve , one of the most common symptoms is tingling in the face.

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease that affects the central nervous system . Symptoms vary from one patient to another, although facial tingling is one of the most common. Numbness in the hands and feet, as well as vision loss, fatigue, stammering, and dizziness are also common.

Tingling in the face and anxiety: what happens?

All people feel anxiety at a certain moment in our lives: an encounter with a special person, a job interview … This is what is known as normal anxiety, which occurs on a few occasions and whose intensity is moderate. However, chronic anxiety can also occur, which is constantly repeated and is very intense.

When anxiety is constant, a wide range of changes take place in the body : adrenaline , serotonin and neurotransmitters increase, thus affecting certain areas of the brain and nervous system. That is why tingling in the face and head is a common symptom of chronic anxiety.

In addition, there are other signs that significantly affect behavior: easy crying, inability to relax, difficulty communicating , negative and obsessive thoughts, etc. Of course, there are also a number of mental symptoms: difficulty concentrating, feeling panicky, feeling inferior, low self-esteem, and mood swings.

How to remove the tingling in the face?

The treatment for tingling in the face depends largely on what the cause of this feeling. That is why it is so important to go to the doctor to establish the diagnosis. If the tingling is accompanied by pain, he most often prescribes pain relievers.

One of the most common causes of tingling in the face is anxiety, so your doctor may also recommend treatment with antidepressants . If the source of the problem is a lack of nutrients, you should take complexes of vitamin B, magnesium and calcium.

This sensation can also occur as a result of migraine. In this case, the only possible treatment is to rest and sleep as much as possible. In addition, it is advisable to avoid certain foods such as cheese, onion, orange, chocolate and tomato.

Facial tingling can originate in menopause for women. You have to take medications with the hormone estrogen, such as birth control pills. Beyond preventing possible pregnancy, this drug greatly alleviates many of the symptoms associated with menopause.

Facial paresthesia: what is it and how is it different from tingling in the face?

The trigeminal nerve is the main sensory nerve in the face, responsible for sending impulses from the brain to the skin and muscles during chewing. Thus, if there is any type of problem that causes compression of this nerve, it is very likely that there is a partial or total loss of facial sensitivity. This is what is known as paresthesia of the face.

This is a different sensation than that caused by facial tingling. In paresthesia you feel that your face is asleep and numb, totally or partially. On the other hand, with the tingling you have the sensation that microscopic “bugs” are moving across your face.

One of the main causes of paresthesia is as a consequence of the extraction of the wisdom tooth since during this intervention the canal through which the nerve goes is pressed. It can also occur in dental implants. In the latter case, if the paresthesia is accompanied by pain and migraine, it is advisable to remove the implant.


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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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