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Leaf world concept

The concept of world part sheet is based on psychoanalysis, but it points to graphic projective tests, in which the patient is offered a sheet to graph according to their perception and mood, emotions, thoughts or internal conflicts.

Before analyzing this concept of world sheet, we will start from the base of it and we will see the concept of test or projective test.

Projective tests

Projective tests or projective tests are a type of personality test in which an individual offers answers to ambiguous scenes, words or images. These tests have their origin in psychoanalysis, a psychological current that maintains that humans have conscious and unconscious behaviors and motivations that are beyond consciousness.

Projective tests were designed and are used to discover conflicts, feelings, desires or emotions that are hidden in the unconscious of individuals.

In 1897 Francis Galton began research, which led to projective techniques. The research consisted of selecting a few words and letting her mind freely associate. Then he wrote down the words that were generated from the first list and placed them in new classifications that led him to think about the projection possibilities of the subconscious and its relation to thought.

Unconscious emotions and conflicts are generally projected by the subject on the test given by his therapist. These feelings, conflicts and emotions projected in the test help the psychotherapist to have a broader picture about what is the situation to be treated and what is the underlying cause of it.

Projective tests are very useful for psychoanalysis ; since they are able to measure areas of the unconscious mind of the human being, such as personality characteristics , fears, doubts and attitude.

Of the projective tests, the one most used by clinical psychologists to examine the personality characteristics and emotional functioning of a person is the Rorschach test: a test where perception is tested through the interpretation of ink spots. In this test the perception and the unconscious of each subject play a main role. Each spot represents something different for each person, then they are analyzed through psychological interpretation and complex algorithms.

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Another of the most frequently used projective tests in cognitive psychotherapy  and psychoanalysis is the blank sheet test or also called by psychoanalysts, world sheet.

World sheet function

The blank page that is offered to the patient represents at that moment for the subject, the possibility of projecting his internal world .

Meanwhile, from that projection we would have to think as psychologists about the experience that the subject has of the world and of himself. We offer the subject a blank page, he is faced with a void : »Draw whatever you want …»; emptiness that only he has to fill. This can mobilize the subject to the point of not being able to produce anything on that blank sheet. Many times it can happen that you do not find anything to graph or the opposite, that you want to overturn so much to the point of not being able to select, choose one thing to graph, and there is also the case of those subjects who capture everything loose on the entire sheet, which it gives an account of your internal world not integrated, without connection.

The drawing will be analyzed around all the clinical material , that is, the elements that occur throughout the psychological encounter will be taken . What is put into play in the graph is projective, that is, it is what is felt from the inside and what is outside.

Examples of projective tests are: Free Drawing Technique , Rorschach Test, Machover, House-tree-person, among others.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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