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Anxiety in children


The anxiety is an emotion over humans, which can be both small and adults. All children get upset from time to time; Life is by no means a bed of roses, and the little ones can also feel that sense of anguish from time to time. The problem comes when this state of anxiety intensifies and, moreover, is becoming more and more frequent, affecting their school performance and the relationships they maintain with their friends and family.

Anxiety disorder affects about 10% of boys and tends to be more common in girls. This disorder can occur in children between the ages of 3 and 6; generally in early childhood it is caused by the fear of loneliness. From the age of 7, social phobia is more common.

Symptoms of anxiety disorder in children

The symptoms of this disorder in children can be very varied. They basically depend on two factors. On the one hand, the age of the children. And, on the other hand, the reason why little ones feel anxiety.

Generally, when the disorder arises in early childhood, it is most common for children to be restless and cry frequently for no apparent reason. In addition, some children lose their appetite and suffer from sleep disorders. They may also sometimes refuse to separate from their parents.

When anxiety disorder occurs in older children and adolescents, the most visible red flag is a lack of communication with the people around them . In addition, they lose the ability to concentrate and attention, which can trigger a delicate situation in their academic performance.

There are a number of physical symptoms that can occur in children of any age and should be monitored: fatigue, muscle tension, stomach discomfort, sweating and frequent headaches.

Consequences of anxiety disorder in children

When children suffer from an anxiety disorder, it is important to bear in mind that this pathology can have relatively serious consequences in the medium and long term; from learning difficulties to inability to adapt to society or the need to create conflict with people around them, among others.

This is a very frustrating situation for parents as they are unable to solve the problem that their child suffers; There is no use playing down the fears he feels or trying to reassure him. When it is suspected that a child may suffer from an anxiety disorder, it is best to consult an expert psychiatrist or psychotherapist ; It must be a professional who applies the corresponding treatment. Undoubtedly, the prognosis improves when intervening in the early stages of the disorder.

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Once parents go with their children to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, he will ask them a series of questions about the child’s personal situation and symptoms. One of the most common therapies for children with anxiety is cognitive behavioral therapy ; This helps the little ones to understand the relationship between their thoughts and their behaviors. In addition, it is of great help in eliminating those thoughts that generate anxiety so that you feel calmer and under control.

In the most serious cases, medications can be used to treat anxiety; antidepressants and sedatives . They are drugs that can only be used in the short term.

What types of childhood anxiety disorders are there?

We can find different types of anxiety disorders in the little ones, depending on their causes and characteristics.


There are many children who have anxiety about having to separate from someone they love very much . It is common in children whose parents have experienced a recent separation; the little ones feel that their home has been broken and they must separate from one of the parents.

Social anxiety

It is from the age of seven when children become aware. Well, from that moment on they may feel fear of being examined and evaluated by third parties; a situation that can lead to social anxiety disorder .


It is currently one of the most common anxiety disorders in both children and adolescents. They feel unable to go to school. The causes of this pathology can be many; from a delicate school situation with a classmate to an excessive volume of homework.

What do I do if my child has anxiety?

As we have pointed out, when a child has an anxiety disorder, it is best to put the case in the hands of an expert. However, there are a number of tips that are worth taking into account because they can help in a remarkable way.

One of the most common attitudes parents take when their child suffers from anxiety is to do everything possible to avoid situations that distress him. However, this only increases your anxiety. Instead of trying to rescue him from these kinds of situations, it is best to help him face his fears and motivate him.

In addition, it is important to remember that children, especially when they are young, tend to imitate both the behaviors and emotions expressed by their parents. Therefore, it is essential to avoid parents being nervous in front of the child.


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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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