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Psychology of color: meaning and curiosities of each color


The psychology of color is presented as an interesting field of study in psychology, since it provides us with very valuable information about how we perceive and behave when faced with certain colors. Colors have more power than we think , do you want to check it out? We show you below …

This field of study typical of psychology, aims to answer how colors influence our emotions , and even our mental health. Although it is still part of an immature science, since there is much to investigate and verify in this regard, the first steps have already been taken to draw a line of research that is surprising and curious.

For some study disciplines, the use of color is essential to evoke emotions and behaviors in people. They give great importance to color and know of its influence disciplines such as: art, architecture, design, advertising, fashion and signage.

In these fields of study that we have indicated, they know very well about the importance of color, since they usually work with it trying to reveal all its secrets , in benefit of what they want to show and produce in their potential audience.

Let’s see below the principles that have been accepted in the study of this particular discipline, the psychology of color.

How do colors influence us in our daily lives?

We talk many times about the colors that we like the most, and even the ones that evoke the most sensations in certain situations. There are times when we prefer one color to another, why is this? Without a doubt, our emotional state has some preferences .

As it has been studied, there are a series of colors that are more associated with a state of mind, such as red with energy and vitality, or green and blue related to sadness and feelings of calm. In our everyday language we listen to songs and read texts, which name certain colors so that a mental representation is formed in our mind that evokes an emotion .

Warm colors such as red, orange or yellow can represent different reactions, whether positive (comfort, well-being) or negative (hostility, aggressiveness). Cool colors like blue and green are often the colors we use to communicate nostalgia, depth, and harmony.

We use the psychology of color in our daily lives , when decorating our house, painting the room, choosing the color of clothes. Even depending on the season we are in, we use some colors more than others. In the summer and spring we are more prone to light colors and shades that give us freshness. However, in seasons like fall or winter, we use darker colors. Also for certain disciplines such as yoga or meditation, specific colors are used that have a relaxing power on our mind.

Colors in one way or another are part of the symbology. For our brain they have a meaning and that is why we associate colors with certain sensations . The questions, which science is undoubtedly asking itself to answer, are: Is this learned, something cultural, or does it have some biological basis?

Historical bases of color psychology

Before the emergence of the psychology of color, recognized authors of the time, such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), already showed their interest in the study of colors. This is how this author made his treatise on “Color Theory” in which he argues that our perception plays a fundamental role in what we really see. His intention was to question the theory of Newton, who spoke of colors from a purely physical point of view.

The perception of each one of us gives a meaning to each color, so it has a subjective character . This perspective increased the possibilities of the studies that were developed, until the psychology of color finally emerged.

The importance of color in neuromarketing

Marketing has evolved to the point of considering people’s brains as their best ally. They use elaborate brain and emotion research to strategize; that activate the neuronal processes responsible for pleasure and the most instinctive impulses. In these processes, color makes a lot of sense when creating logos, the design of the brand and the advertisements that they show us.

In any development of a marketing strategy, colors are relevant. Experts in this field know of the influence that color has to provoke sensations to its consumers. Neuroscience has shown how emotions influence our decisions. And if specific emotions can be generated through colors, this leads them to facilitate the consumer to make certain decisions that interest them.

Of course, these investigations of color psychology are of great interest to the world of marketing and business strategy. This industry has managed to extract a great vein from neuroscience. Through senses such as hearing and sight, human beings can make pleasant or unpleasant associations, leading them to make various decisions, such as whether to buy a product or not. A marketing company specialized in the psychology of color is Color Marketing Group, which has concluded that up to 85% of people are influenced by the perception of color to choose one product over another

According to various investigations, the color red stimulates the appetite, so it is not surprising that many brands such as: Pizza Hut, Burger King, Mc Donald or KFC, among others …, mainly use the color red both in the design of their brand and in your facilities and in your marketing strategies.

Color symbology

How do you know the emotion that certain color patterns can generate in us? Colors as we have seen have a great power to influence our mind. Although the meaning of each color is quite controversial, since it is somewhat ambiguous, there is a symbology of colors that scholars of the subject have agreed on, despite little scientific evidence. Let’s see what certain colors symbolize and how they are interpreted for certain contexts.

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This color used in his poems by Federico García Lorca “green that I love you green” is a color that represents above all nature and the feelings of harmony and well-being.

On an emotional level, it is related to security and protection, since it is linked, as we all know, with money. The different shades can indicate one thing or another, for example: olive green is associated with peace (the olive branch), however the most yellowish green represents disease and envy.


Orange, having shades that are identified with red, is also associated with joy, happiness and vitality. It is well represented by the sun, which leads to produce encouragement and success. Unlike red, orange is not associated with aggressiveness. The golden orange is identified with richness and quality. This color symbolizes strength very well.


The color red is one of the most popular, as it is associated with passion, revolution and stimulation. It is a color that provides strength, being the color of blood it can be very violent and aggressive in certain contexts. It is also symbolized with the flame of fire and that is why it evokes desire, excitement, danger and love.

If you look closely, the color red is the one that predominates when trying to evoke the feeling of eroticism, activity and energy.


We know that this color symbolizes purity, innocence and goodness, both in Western and Eastern and Hindu cultures. In the African and Eastern culture, although it is given a meaning of death; it is also related to purity. White, unlike black, is usually given a positive connotation. This color also represents perfection, faith and cleanliness. It is a highly valued color. If you look at it, in the sanitary world, white provides cleaning, security, disinfection; and it supposes a concept of sterility.


Yellow, being represented by sunlight, symbolizes vitality, strength and energy. This is in turn related to mental activity and happiness . A pale yellow may be more related to the disease, although a light tone is more identified with virtues such as being innovative, original and intelligent.

It is not recommended to use it in babies’ rooms, as it provides an aura of concern, however, commercials use it a lot to market their products that are aimed at babies.


Although the color black, generally, we use it in common language to relate it to bad luck, the illegal or to represent it with the dirty, through phrases such as: “I have had a black day” “that money is black” “I see your future very black”. It also symbolizes elegance, seriousness and the unknown.

It is the quintessential color of death and mystery . It is a dark color with negative connotations, which usually represents grief and pain. That is why in our culture when making a duel, black is especially suitable, due to the absence of color, joy and vitality.


This color, as we well know, clearly represents femininity . It is with which girls and women are identified. It in turn symbolizes romanticism, friendship and love; qualities that culturally identify more with the female gender. That is why it is also linked to sweetness, beauty and delicacy.


Blue is identified with the sea, with the sky and with the feeling of freshness and relaxation. It is a color that brings tranquility. For this reason, large prestigious brands such as Facebook or Twitter use it in their corporate logos to convey confidence and peace. Companies know this color strategy very well and that is why blue is one of the colors most used in the business world.

Blue is also associated with eternity, sincerity, calm and piety. As we can see, all of them are quite pleasant and positive qualities.


The color purple is a kind of mixture between blue and red, it is related to power and royalty. It represents the ambition linked to the business world . It is a color that suggests extravagance and richness.

This color is also identified with magic, since it inspires mystery. It is one of the colors that stimulates young children the most, since it symbolizes creativity and novelty, something that is linked to children’s own exploration.  It is usually symbolically associated with spirituality .


Gray is a color that often goes unnoticed, depending on the culture it has a connotation. Psychology experts associate this color with tenacity, tranquility, peace and calm. It is also often associated with old age.

We verify how the symbolism of colors also often depends on the culture that perceives and interprets color , in relation to its particular vision of the world. We have verified how colors are associated with important cultural issues such as religion, spirituality, beliefs about death, purity and mystery.

It is clear that we do not remain oblivious to what each color symbolizes and this is something that influences our daily life both on an explicit level and on a deeper and unconscious level .

That is why the psychology of color arises focused on what happens in people’s behavior when faced with the stimulus of colors. This, of course, is not something from now, it is something that has happened since ancient times, simply that now we can observe what happens in our brain, and how it influences our decisions and the attitudes we make.


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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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