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Why do you get fat during menstruation?


Women tend to have a weight that varies throughout the month and this is largely due to all the changes that their body undergoes during the menstrual cycle. However, there are days when more fluid is retained than others, there are periods when a lot of anxiety and cravings are experienced and there are also times when there is more abdominal inflammation, all of this leads most women to wonder almost everyone the months the same question: why do you get fat during menstruation?

It is true, during menstruation the woman can weigh up to 3 kilograms more, even being under a strict diet, it does not matter, it does not matter: you will always be heavier during those days of the month. In addition to explaining all the processes that occur in your body and that are responsible for this slight weight gain, in this article you will also learn about some ways to prevent this increase from being as abrupt as it is noticeable.

What is the menstrual cycle?

To know why you gain weight when your period comes, it is enough to understand the female menstrual cycle. A woman’s menstrual cycle can last between 23 and 35 days and is made up of four phases. The first phase is the menstrual phase, which begins with the arrival of menstruation and aims to shed the lining of the uterus known as the endometrium, depending on the woman, the menstrual phase can last between 3 and 7 days. Menstruation is the part of the menstrual cycle where women experience the greatest discomfort such as abdominal swelling, fluid retention, anxiety to eat and mood swings, this phase is also where women experience an increase in their body weight, despite all the wear and tear. caloric that implies the arrival of the rule for the body.

The second phase is known as follicular or pre-ovulation. During these days, the woman’s body undergoes an increase in the female hormone estrogens, a substance that is responsible for the growth of the endometrium and its thickness. During the follicular phase, the ovum also begins to mature for ovulation.

Then the third phase takes place, which is known as ovulation. If your cycle is regular, the most common is that ovulation takes place 14 days after phase 1. During ovulation, the levels of the hormone lutropin increase, which is responsible for developing the period. In this phase, the most mature ovum that is present in the ovaries will be released to be captured by the ends of the fallopian tubes. This phase is the ideal one to try to get pregnant. During the detachment of the ovum, the woman may have belly pain and abdominal swelling.

The fourth and last phase is called luteal, it can begin between days 16 and 28 of the menstrual cycle and, since it is very close to the arrival of menstruation, it can also cause a slight increase in body weight. The luteal phase includes premenstrual syndrome among its facts, which is why there are women who experience all the discomfort of the period before it arrives.

Why do you get fat during menstruation?

As we explained above, the menstrual cycle of women is a process that causes various changes in the body, but above all that generates hormonal variations. The increase in female hormones is associated with the appearance of fluid retention, which makes women feel heavier and gain a few extra kilos, but always temporary. Likewise, all the abdominal inflammation that occurs due to the work of the female reproductive organs generates an increase, also temporary, in measurements, which is why it is possible that some clothes are tighter during those days of the month. In general, the woman who suffers from premenstrual syndrome and who has very painful periods is the one who gains the most weight during these days.

You may also be interested in:   10 natural remedies to combat menstrual pain

Why do you eat more during menstruation?

If you are one of those women who every time your period comes you feel an uncontrollable desire to eat a box of chocolate or all the donuts in the city, today you will understand why your body suffers that sudden attack of anxiety. This happens for two reasons, the first is that during menstruation the level of female hormones estrogens is lower, which increases the anxiety to eat, the same happens during menopause . The second reason is that when before and during the menstrual phase the body makes a greater expenditure of calories to perform all the functions that these phases of the cycle suggest. Therefore, hunger increases as a mechanism to replenish the calories expended and give the body the energy it requires.

Avoid gaining weight during menstruation

Those extra kilos that come with menstruation cannot be avoided, you will always increase even a little, therefore, what you can do is use a series of actions so that said increase is not so drastic, that is, so that in Instead of gaining 3 kilograms, gain 1 kilogram. For this we offer you the following tips:

  • Hydration is vital to combat fluid retention, therefore, if you normally drink 2 liters of water a day, when you have your period, increase the amount of liquid to 3 liters of water per day.
  • Increasing your fiber intake during menstruation helps fight constipation and facilitates the elimination of toxins. Oatmeal, watercress, pineapple, bran, chia seeds, granola, and whole wheat bread are good options.
  • The iron – rich foods helps reduce inflammation, spinach prefers first choice.
  • Choose lean meat proteins like fish and chicken, as they will help you feel lighter and have fewer calories.
  • As much as menstruation makes you lie in bed and you don’t want to do anything all day, you need to stay active. If you exercise during these days you will avoid the retention of liquid, you will improve the anxiety to eat, you will stimulate the blood circulation and, best of all, you will be in a good mood.

Things to avoid during menstruation

Just as there are actions that benefit you to avoid excessive weight gain during menstruation, there are also other habits that can worsen this condition. Therefore, avoid as much as possible:

  • Eat fatty foods, fried foods, or fast food.
  • Eat a lot of sugar, flour and sweets.
  • Consume a lot of salt.
  • Drinking coffee or other types of stimulating drinks such as soda.


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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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