First of all, to know what uterine prolapse is, it is important to know that the pelvic floor is made up of a combination of ligaments and muscles of the pelvis. These support the vagina and uterus, while keeping them in a correct position inside the pelvis.
The definition of a prolapse is not complex. A uterine prolapse is nothing but a descent towards the outside of one or more of the organs that are in the pelvic cavity. These organs include the vagina, urethra, rectum, or bladder.
Prolapse is described according to the part or parts of the uterus, which are involved. Thus, if it affects the front wall of the vagina, that is, if it is under the bladder where the prolapse occurs, it is known as a cystocele. On the other hand, if the area that is affected is the back wall of the vagina, it is known as a rectocele.
In the same way, there are cases in which the prolapse occurs in the cervix beyond the entrance of the vagina, and then we speak of procidence, and others in which it only affects a part of the vagina or a combination of the uterus and vagina.
Causes of uterine prolapse
Prolapse of both the uterus and the vagina is more normal as women get older. It is not usual for it to occur before menopause . Some diseases or giving birth, in addition to the aforementioned aging, can result in a weakening of the pelvic floor. These are the most common causes of a prolapse.
Although it is not normal to occur before menopause, it can occur in young women, who have gone through several births, which have been traumatic. It can also be suffered by women with collagen diseases, that is, the fiber that is present in most tissues.
As you can see, there is no single cause. If so, treatment and diagnosis would be easier to carry out. On the contrary, there are many potential causes. Each prolapse is as unique as the woman who has it.
To the indicated causes must be added those related to genetic factors. This may explain the poor quality of the pelvic ligaments, muscles, and connective tissue. It occurs more frequently in the Asian race and the white race, as opposed to the black race.
Chronic respiratory diseases and constipation are other causes, as well as lifting heavy weights or practicing, on a regular basis, impact sports, as well as hyperpressive sports such as, for example, tennis, hockey or running.
Certain neuromuscular factors or pelvic or abdominal surgery can also trigger a uterine prolapse. In this sense, it is important to know that if an area is not repaired correctly, through surgery, the function of the supporting tissues can be affected.
A woman smoker’s cough, like being overweight, makes a person more likely to develop a uterine prolapse.
Symptoms of uterine prolapse
When talking about the symptoms , it happens that many of these are the same or very similar to those of other types of conditions. This means that in many cases the diagnosis is complicated in part.
There are women who do not suffer any kind of symptoms. These women only realize they have it when they undergo an internal exam for some reason. However, the most normal thing is to have them. Those that tend to occur very frequently are a sensation that something in the body is going down or a lump present on the external genitalia.
Among the symptoms, the one that is most common has to do with urinary incontinence . It may be the case that a rectocele is associated with problems passing stool or that a cystocele is related to urine leakage with coughing, laughing or exertion.
Similarly, a symptom of having a prolapse can be difficulty or discomfort in having sex. Women with prolapse often experience pain during sexual intercourse so they tend to avoid it. However, pain is not the only reason for not having intercourse, but the fear of fecal or urinary incontinence must be added during the act.
To this is added the possibility that there is a lump in the genitals that is visible. This will be, without a doubt, one more factor in not wanting to have sex.
Treatment for uterine prolapse
First of all, it is advised to prevent prolapse. To this end, it is recommended to do pelvic floor exercises on a daily basis. Thus, a strengthening of the muscles is achieved. This exercise class can be carried out anywhere and at any time of the day. All you have to do is tighten your pelvic floor muscles, as if you were trying to avoid having a bowel movement or stopping the flow of urine.
By the time the prolapse has already occurred, it is much easier to control the symptoms through exercises. In these cases, a physiotherapist will have the relevant knowledge and equipment for the development of techniques, which seek to stimulate and strengthen the muscles. However, there are times when an operation or the use of a pessary will be required, that is, a vinyl or celluloid ring.
The pessary is a type of treatment , which is indicated for women who do not want to undergo surgery. This instrument will hold the bladder and uterus in place so it is not noticeable. It is usually changed for another or removed for cleaning and its placement again every four or every six months.
How the operation is carried out
This type of operation is usually carried out through the vagina. The kind of repair depends on the type of prolapse suffered. However, the basic idea is to join the muscles, which have been weakened, through points. Removal of a portion of the vaginal mucosa is necessary in most cases. Sometimes a hysterectomy will also be necessary , that is, the uterus will have to be removed vaginally. However, in most cases only the cervix is removed.
It is convenient that, before going through the operating room, the patient undergoes a weight loss diet, if she is overweight. It is also advisable that you stop smoking.
This type of intervention is not complicated. In a minimum of half an hour and a maximum of an hour it will be over. The closure of the entrance to the vagina will be greater or less depending on the age of the patient and whether she wishes to continue having sexual intercourse.
Once the operation is finished, the woman will spend between three and five days in the hospital. Recovery will generally be fairly quick. However, relapses occur very frequently.
The results are very good, although other types of symptoms, which could be due to prolapse, such as back pain or fatigue, may not improve. In cases of urinary incontinence, about two-thirds of women who undergo this type of operation will have complete control or will notice a huge improvement. This occurs especially in operations involving the front wall of the vagina, in the vicinity of the neck of the bladder.
In conclusion, we will say that the word prolapse is not usually heard much today. This data is surprising when it comes to one of the pathologies that affects millions of women and that supposes a considerable deterioration in their quality of life.
Today, it is estimated that about half of the women who give birth will have to deal with a prolapse afterwards. In addition, some studies consider that fifty percent of women from the age of fifty-five suffer from one, and even more problems of this type. In a country like the United States, more than three hundred thousand prolapse operations are performed a year.
In any case, it is not necessary to be alarmed, but to know our body and the possible complications that can occur if health is not taken care of, in a general way, and the health of the pelvic floor, in a particular way.
As with other health-related problems, having facts about prolapse can go a long way toward preventing it and eliminating the possibility of it getting worse.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.