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The cervicitis is known as inflammation of the neck of the uterus. A disease that generally affects women of childbearing age and that gives rise to a series of symptoms such as yellow discharge and pain.

It is a disorder that has a cure, so when the first signs appear, it is recommended to go to a specialist to determine the cause of cervicitis and establish the most appropriate treatment.

What is it?

It is known as cervicitis to the inflammation of the cervix , located in the lower part of the uterus and communicating with the vagina. Usually the direct cause of this disorder is a sexually transmitted infection, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.

In relation to the symptoms, which we explain in more detail in later sections, the most common are bleeding between menstrual periods, pain during sexual intercourse and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Neck of the uterus

The lower part of the uterus is known as the cervix. It plays an essential role in the female reproductive system as it performs a large selection of functions.

The most important is that it acts as a channel through which menstrual bleeding flows from the uterus to the vagina . In addition, thanks to its location between the uterus and the vagina, it is of great help to maintain the correct position of the pelvic organs.

The cervix also plays a very important role in the sexual sphere as it stimulates the secretion of certain hormones, as well as the production of mucus.

And finally, when it comes to fertility and pregnancy, the cervical mucus present in the cervix favors fertilization of the ovum. During the gestation period, it acts as a protective barrier between the vagina and the uterus.

Causes of cervicitis

The causes of cervicitis are very broad, although in a high percentage of cases the disorder develops as a result of a certain sexually transmitted infection.

Sexually transmitted infections

The sexually transmitted bacterial and viral infections that most commonly cause cervicitis include the following.

  • Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is an STD caused by bacteria. A disorder that in many cases does not give rise to any symptoms; when there are signs, the most common are abnormal vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, and abnormal vaginal bleeding.
  • Chlamydia: Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases globally, and it can infect both men and women. Depending on the sexual intercourse, the bacteria can affect the cervix, rectum or throat. One of the most common symptoms is a burning sensation when urinating.
  • Trichomoniasis: an STD that is caused by a parasite is known as such. The contagion occurs from person to person through the exchange of fluids. The first signs usually appear two weeks after the infection has occurred, which include: discomfort during sexual intercourse, started in the vagina and unpleasant vaginal odor.
  • Genital herpes: another of the sexually transmitted diseases that is repeated more frequently among both men and women. One of the main symptoms is the appearance of blisters of small size, but which are very painful.

Allergic reaction

Cervicitis can also occur as a result of a certain allergic reaction, for example to spermicides or the latex in condoms . Vaginal deodorants can also trigger an allergic reaction that causes this disease.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a disorder characterized by the alteration of the balance of different types of microorganisms in the vagina . It is not considered an infection as such, but an endogenous pathology.

It is one of the infectious pathologies that occur most frequently in women who have an active sexual life.

The most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal discharge; It has a yellowish appearance and, in addition, it gives off a bad smell.

Risk factor’s

Once the causes of cervicitis are known, it is important to pay attention to what the risk factors are, which in some way increase the probability of suffering from this disease.

One of the most relevant is the fact of having high-risk sexual behaviors , understood as those in which no type of protection is used. The use of a condom is essential to avoid the transmission and spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Another of the considered risk factors for cervicitis is having started having sex at an early age.

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And finally, having a history of STDs is another risk factor to consider.

Cervicitis symptoms

One of the main problems with this disease is that in its initial stages it is asymptomatic. Thus, in a high percentage of cases, when the woman goes to the doctor, cervicitis is in more advanced stages, which requires a more aggressive treatment to be applied.

Generally, the diagnosis of the disease is given after a pelvic exam performed for any other reason.

In the event that cervitis presents a series of symptoms, the ones that occur most frequently. In the first place, a vaginal discharge that occurs in greater quantity than usual and that, in addition, gives off a bad smell; in some cases its color is not transparent, but yellowish.

Second, painful urination is another sign of cervicitis. Third, the bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods; it is usually very light and red in color.

And, fourth and last, this disorder can cause pain during sexual intercourse.

If one or more of the aforementioned symptoms occur, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible to establish the diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment.


If the symptoms of cervicitis occur, it is important to see a doctor to carry out the appropriate diagnostic tests.

In the first place, he takes the clinical history of the patient, taking into account the symptoms that she presents; In addition, she must answer a series of questions about whether she has recently had risky sexual relations, whether she has suffered from a sexually transmitted disease before …

Next, if the specialist suspects cervicitis, he will proceed to perform an examination of the vagina in which he will observe if pathological changes have occurred and will assess the presence of cervical secretions. Generally, this diagnostic test is sufficient to diagnose the disease.

If he considers it appropriate, he will request a bacteriological test of the bacteriological secretion, one and a colposcopy Pap test to confirm the diagnosis.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic test in which the cervix is ​​viewed using an optical instrument. Thanks to it, the specialist can observe if there is inflammation, if there are ulcerative lesions or not … As for the Pap test, also called vaginal cytology, it consists of taking cells from the cervix for later analysis.

Cervicitis treatment

Once cervicitis has been confirmed by the specialist, it is time to establish the most appropriate treatment, which varies depending on the cause of the cervicitis.

Treatment usually consists of taking antibiotics to fight inflammation . If cervicitis has developed due to herpes, the most appropriate treatment is based on antivirals.

Almost 100% of women respond well to treatment. If not, the most common solution is cryosurgery, which consists of freezing and subsequent destruction of the abnormal tissue present in the cervix.


Currently the complications of cervicitis are not frequent. However, taking into account that the symptoms of this disorder appear in advanced stages of the disease, they can occur.

The cervix acts as a protective barrier to prevent various viruses and bacteria from entering the uterus. However, if the cervix is ​​infected, the risk of the infection moving to the uterus is high.

Thus, if proper treatment is not applied there is a certain possibility that the infection will spread to the lining of the uterus, and even to the fallopian tubes. A serious condition that can lead to fertility problems .

In addition, this disease can increase a woman’s risk of contracting HIV if she has high-risk sex with an infected person.

Tips to prevent cervicitis

And finally, point out a series of advices to avoid to some extent the risk of suffering from this disorder.

  • Sexual relations: experts advise having sex with a condom, whether with a single sexual partner, or with several. It is the only contraceptive method that can stop the spread of a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Products: In addition, it is advisable to avoid any type of product that can cause some type of irritation in the vagina, such as scented tampons or vaginal douches.
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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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