The mesotherapy is a painless technique intradermal injection which is generally used to treat cellulite located. It is done through microinjections in the affected areas, offering very good results. In addition, this aesthetic treatment favors the body’s metabolism, so that it is easier to lose weight. It is a medicine technique invented in 1952 by Michel Pistor, a French physician.
Cellulite, also popularly known as orange peel, affects about 90% of women globally. It is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the connective tissue under the skin, thus creating a series of dimples on the skin’s surface.
There is a wide range of factors that greatly favor the appearance of cellulite: gender, age, skin thickness, lifestyle …
Thus, mesotherapy is one of the aesthetic treatments that provides the best results to eliminate cellulite and, in addition, reaffirm the skin of the areas affected by it.
What is mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is a body treatment that consists of the microinjection of small amounts of drugs that act on those areas where fat accumulates . In this way, it helps the body to eliminate localized fat and, with it, reduce cellulite and firm the skin.
For the treatment of cellulite and the elimination of localized fat in different areas of the body, mesotherapy makes use of microinjections, which act at three levels.
- Cellular: stimulates adipocytes to release the fat they contain inside.
- Vascular: promotes both local and systemic microcirculation.
- Lymphatic: significantly facilitates the lymphatic drainage of toxins accumulated in the body.
Mesotherapy is an aesthetic treatment that is performed without local anesthesia since microinjections are painless . It has no side effects, except for a slight redness and inflammation of the skin in the areas where the microinjections have been applied.
There are two types of body mesotherapy.
- Allopathic: it is known as such a treatment in which a set of chemical substances extracted from plants that have active principles that act directly on cellulite are used. It is very effective for the treatment of fat and localized volumes.
- Homeopathic: in this case, natural substances are used, which stimulate the body so that it is capable of fighting cellulite by itself.
Microinjections in mesotherapy
Subcutaneous microinjections are performed with needles only 4 mm thick . The substances used must be recognized by the Spanish Drug Agency and meet the following conditions: they must be soluble principles, they must show tolerance with the subcutaneous tissue, and they must be compatible with each other so that some substances do not cancel out the benefits of others. .
The substances that are injected in the sessions depend to a great extent on what the specific needs of each patient are. Usually they are liporeductors like the following
- Biomimetic peptides: enhance the metabolism of cells.
- L-Carnitine: an amino acid that facilitates the metabolism of localized fat.
- Phosphatidylcholine: a phospholipid that is responsible for the emulsion of lipids.
- Artichoke: artichoke extract whose main objective is to eliminate fat cells.
- Melilot: a vasoprotective and anticoagulant agent.
What is a mesotherapy session like?
When the patient goes to the clinic to undergo mesotherapy, the doctor first makes a series of marks in those areas that require treatment. Then proceed to clean these areas with alcohol.
In this way the session itself begins. The doctor performs a series of microinjections in the areas to be treated . One of the great advantages of mesotherapy is that it provides instant results, which improve in subsequent sessions.
Once the session is over, it is important to keep the area disinfected. In general, spray dressings are used so that bacteria on clothing do not infect the places where the microinjections have been made.
In general, about ten mesotherapy sessions are recommended , which should be done at least one week apart. The positive results begin to be noticed from the fourth session: weight loss, skin firming and volume reduction in specific areas.
What is it for?
Mesotherapy is a technique that allows you to treat various conditions.
- Cellulite: the most common use of this aesthetic treatment is the elimination of cellulite through the use of substances that promote blood circulation, the elimination of toxins and the burning of fat.
- Flaccidity: substances such as organic silicon are used to treat flaccidity, which stimulates the formation of elastin and collagen fibers, which exert a tightening effect on the skin.
- Localized fat: mesotherapy slows down the formation of new fat deposits, facilitating its metabolism.
- Stretch marks : another of the great applications of mesotherapy is to reduce the presence of stretch marks on the skin.
Benefits of mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is today one of the most requested aesthetic treatments thanks to its wide range of benefits.
Dicrease the volume
One of the great advantages that mesotherapy provides is that it allows you to break down fat in a process called lipolysis. In this way, it reduces volume in a certain area of the body where fat accumulates, such as the hips or the abdomen for example.
Sculpting the body
Body mesotherapy is a very effective treatment for sculpting the contours of the body and reducing cellulite . It is a fantastic alternative to liposuction as it is a non-invasive treatment that does not require anesthesia and allows you to continue with your daily life after each session.
Reduce sagging
Microinjections of amino acids and antioxidants make it possible to repair the damage caused by free radicals over the years, such as sunlight or pollution. Thus, mesotherapy works very well in reducing flaccidity.
Eliminate cellulite
This treatment reduces fat in certain areas of the body, while improving circulation and treating connective tissue that suffers some type of damage.
Reduce stretch marks
Stretch marks affect a high percentage of people around the world; They are scars that usually occur due to pregnancy, as well as a drastic weight loss or gain. Mesotherapy can help improve the appearance of stretch marks.
New applications of mesotherapy
Since its inception, mesotherapy has been an aesthetic treatment aimed at combating cellulitis. However, today its applications and uses go much further.
Facial mesotherapy
Depending on the specific needs of each patient, facial mesotherapy can have three functions: tighten, hydrate or renew . In some cases, microinjections can be made in the face to fulfill all the functions; In this way, facial mesotherapy becomes a great cocktail of beauty.
One of the substances most frequently applied in this type of mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid , which provides elasticity and hydration to the tissues, thus minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Also DNA particles to improve the turgor of the face.
In recent years, facial mesotherapy is being widely used to treat acne . A treatment that is very effective and, in addition, safer compared to other options such as chemical peeling. To treat acne, substances such as clindamycin, an antibiotic that eliminates the infection, are applied.
Mesotherapy for hair
The main objective of mesotherapy for hair is both to repair hair and to prevent hair loss. A series of microinjections of substances such as biotin are made into the scalp.
Virtual mesotherapy
It is known as such to that type of mesotherapy that does not require the use of needles . Instead, it makes use of various systems for substances to enter the body, such as electroporation. A highly recommended system for those who are afraid of injections.
Side effects
Mesotherapy, like any other aesthetic treatment, has a series of side effects that are interesting to know.
- Sensitivity to one or more of the substances that are applied during the sessions, so that they can cause local allergies or eczema.
- Infections caused by substances and medications that are in poor condition.
- Although rare, microinjections can cause veins to rupture and cause bleeding that causes bruising under the skin. That is why it is not advisable to consume anticoagulant medications 24 hours before mesotherapy sessions.
The mesotherapy is currently one of the most popular cosmetic treatments, considering that cellulite affects a large percentage of people, especially women. From the fourth session, a reduction in localized fat is observed, while the skin is firmed and the orange peel effect is minimized.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.