The blood in the stool creates in most cases a major concern among sufferers. Although sometimes the presence of blood in the stool can be a symptom of serious disorders such as Crohn’s disease , the most common is that it is only an indication of a milder problem, such as an anal fissure for example.
The most important thing is to go to the doctor as soon as possible to make the diagnosis and find the cause of bloody stools . In this way, you can determine the most appropriate treatment.
Red blood in stools
When the stool has red blood, it means that the bleeding has occurred in the colon or rectum ; that is, in the lower part of the digestive system . It can also be due to bleeding in the upper area of the intestine, although this must be very strong to give rise to this type of bleeding in the stools.
Presence of blood in the stool
Both the color of the stool and the type of bleeding can tell you about the health problem. There is a large selection of factors that must be taken into account because they greatly facilitate the diagnosis: color of the blood, whether or not the blood is mixed with the stool …
When the blood is bright red, it is very easy to see it since it stains the paper and, in addition, it continues to drip a few seconds after defecation. In a high percentage of cases it is due to a hemorrhoid or an anal fissure.
Blood in the stool can also be black in color; in this case, they are known as tarry stools. They are characterized by having a very unpleasant smell. In this case, the cause is in the upper part of the digestive system.
When blood mixes with stool and clots are present, the problem is most likely in the large intestine. Some of the most common recurring causes are colorectal polyps and tumors.
Red bloody stools: causes
Here are the main causes of bright red bloody stools.
In a high percentage of cases, those who suffer from this condition is due to the presence of hemorrhoids. A moderate disorder whose main cause is constipation . The force applied when defecating dilates the veins in the anal area , thus giving rise to piles.
In addition to the presence of bright red blood in the stool, other symptoms of hemorrhoids are intense itching in the anus area , as well as severe pain when defecating.
It is advisable to go to the doctor to establish the most recommended treatment for each specific case. To relieve symptoms, sitz baths work very well; You just have to immerse the anal area in warm water for between 15 and 20 minutes.
Anal fissure
Although not as common a cause as hemorrhoids, an anal fissure can also lead to bright red blood in the stool. They are common in people who suffer from constipation and cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements .
It is common in both babies and children, although it can affect people of all ages. In the vast majority of cases, the anal fissure improves with simple treatments. In addition, doctors recommend taking sitz baths and eating foods rich in fiber to speed up the healing process.
Bowel cancer
The presence of red blood in the stool can be a symptom of cancer in the intestine. It is a disease characterized by the formation of malignant cells in the mucosa that lines the small intestine .
The specific causes of bowel cancer are not known. Still, there are a number of risk factors that can influence the development of the disease: unhealthy diet, presence of intestinal polyps for a long period of time, having Crohn’s disease and tobacco abuse.
However, they are rare cases and in the vast majority of them, they are accompanied by other symptoms of a serious nature such as changes in intestinal transit, pressure in the anal area and excessive weakness.
Diverticulitis is a disorder that generally occurs in adults, from the age of 40. It takes place due to the inflammation of the diverticula , small folds located in the wall of the intestine.
In addition to the presence of bright red blood in the stool, this disease leads to other symptoms such as severe abdominal pain located in the lower left, nausea, vomiting, and elevated body temperature.
If the diverticulitis does not cause any complications, the treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics to treat the infection, as well as the consumption of liquid diet for the recovery of the intestine.
Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease is a chronic health disorder characterized by inflammation of the intestine. In many cases it is asymptomatic for a long period of time. When the signs are present, they include rectal bleeding, weight loss and, in some cases, fever .
Despite numerous studies on Crohn’s disease, the exact cause of this disorder is not known to this day. Some experts agree that it is due to an abnormal reaction of the immune system , although there are also those who consider that genetics play a key role.
This medical disorder can lead to a wide range of complications: intestinal obstruction, ulcers, and problems absorbing nutrients from food.
Another potential cause of the presence of red blood in the stool is the ingestion of foods with red coloring, as well as blueberries or tomato juice.
In the presence of blood in the stool, no matter how slight, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Even if the cause is considered to be in a minor disorder such as hemorrhoids, it is essential that the doctor make a diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment for it.
The doctor first takes a clinical history of the patient, taking into consideration different aspects such as the symptoms that accompany the presence of feces in the blood, the age of the patient or if he suffers from a chronic disease.
One of the most commonly requested tests is a stool sample , which is sent to the laboratory for analysis to determine whether or not there is blood in it.
Then, if he considers it appropriate, proceed with a rectal examination . A minimally invasive exam in which the doctor inserts a finger through the anus to feel the inside of the end of the digestive tract. This way you can determine if there are hemorrhoids, fissures or anal fistulas.
Depending on the results obtained, you may find it advisable to perform additional tests such as a colonoscopy . A medical test intended for the diagnosis of diseases of the colon. To perform it, a flexible tube is introduced through the anal canal and advanced until it reaches the colon. It incorporates a camera at one end, through which the doctor observes the large intestine in real time.
How to prevent red bloody stools?
The truth is that there is no 100% foolproof measure to prevent the presence of blood in the stool. However, there are a number of basic guidelines that are worth remembering to minimize the risk of suffering from any of the diseases that give rise to this condition, such as hemorrhoids.
First of all, it is recommended to follow a diet rich in fiber to avoid the possibility of constipation; a disorder that, as we have pointed out, can cause hemorrhoids. Second, it is advisable to avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption . And third and last, it is best to lead a lifestyle that is as relaxed as possible.
In addition, from the age of 50 it is recommended to have an annual analysis of occult blood in the stool and a colonoscopy every five or ten years.
Finding bright red blood in your stool can cause great concern as it is shocking. However, in the vast majority of cases, the cause is a mild disorder such as an anal fissure or piles. Even so, you always have to go to the doctor to perform the appropriate tests and establish the diagnosis.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.