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Sleeping alone or with a partner


The truth is that it is a really important issue, since rest is what allows one to be active, awake and to enjoy and take advantage of the day. That is why it is good to emphasize this question . Today we offer the answer given by the latest studies on this dilemma.

Can you rest well as a couple?

Sleeping with your partner is one of the things that can unite the most, and it is precisely at this point that most of its benefits lie. It is something that reassures and produces an intense intimacy, so that it can be considered that, in general terms, it is something positive for the strength of the relationship that one has .

In addition, it is a great mechanism to relieve stress and to have a greater sense of security. Something logical, since the company of an emotionally strong bond is something that always offers greater peace of mind. Now, even with all these advantages, none of them answers the question we have asked in the title of this section. Is all this synonymous with a good rest ? The truth is that no.

Sleeping is part of a personal biorhythm . A person has schedules or customs conformed almost by nature itself, and they are really difficult to change. This ends up wearing out couples, since they do not bond based on these biorhythms. Snoring, movements and others are aspects that can wear down and tire the part that has to suffer them. In fact, in recent surveys a large segment of respondents confirmed that if they did not rest well it was because of their partners.

The problem is that there is a taboo that those who sleep separately do not love each other , and because of this it is especially difficult to create this situation. However, if little by little one tended towards this stage, a huge reward would be received. And it is that sleeping alone has many more benefits than it may seem.

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The benefits of sleeping alone

The truth is that human beings are not used to or prepared to sleep with company . And it is that rest is something intimate and very personal, and noises affect very negatively. This is one of the advantages of sleeping in your own bed that you will not have to endure snoring of any kind, nor the movements that the other person can make. This ensures that rest is not cut short by external causes , something that profoundly disrupts sleep.

One will be able to sleep according to their own body temperature , and it is rare that, within a couple, both share the same thermal sensation, so that in the end either one sweats, or the other is cold during the night.

Another advantage is that you can control your own sheets yourself . This is undoubtedly one of the most classic discussions out there, and it would finally be resolved.

Finally, the last point in its favor is that these types of measures allow many of the couple’s arguments to end . It is a way to eliminate certain frictions that can end up wearing down a relationship or creating conflicts.

In conclusion , when you are in doubt as to whether it is better to sleep alone or with a partner , the answer is quite clear: sleeping alone is an excellent way to rest. The problem is that there are certain taboos associated with this idea that make few people practice it. However, if it starts to be done, many relationship and rest problems would be solved.


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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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