This time we will talk about one of the types of psychology that has revolutionized the methods used in this discipline. This is a psychological specialization that uses scientific and experimental methods to analyze the human mind and behavior. We call this specialization experimental psychology.
What is experimental psychology?
Experimental psychology is a unique branch of psychology, which examines the relationships between human behavior and the mind , and explores all facets of the human experience.
This specialization of the psychological field, considers that psychological phenomena and processes can be studied based on scientific research and experimentation based on real events.
How does experimental psychology work?
Experimental psychologists deal with normal, intact organisms; They use a variety of different research methods and tools, and manipulate research variables in different ways, in order to discover relationships between cognition and behavior.
The areas studied in the experimental processes are: sensation and perception, learning , memory and motivation.
Psychologists specializing in experimental psychology have found new academic concepts through their experiments. One of them is social cognition. For this discovery they are using brain imaging technology, which measures the cognitive and psychological processes that occur during social activity.
Methods used in experimental psychology
First of all, before we start experimenting, we must postulate a theory. But … what is a theory? The theory can be defined as an idea of relationship ; a general principle that is proposed to explain how a series of separate facts are related.
To test whether our theory is correct, we need to start with investigations and experiments.
Those who apply the experimental method must follow certain guidelines that help them achieve more accurate results, for example: the development of a hypothesis, the design of the experiment, and the measurement and manipulation of two variables (the dependent variable and the independent variable).
The independent variable is the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter (initial variable) and the dependent variable is the variable of the final result of the experiment.
The experiments are carried out to confirm if there is a cause and effect relationship between the different variables.
Analyze each case
Researchers can study a single individual or a group of people. To analyze the case, the researcher needs to collect every possible piece of data about the topic to be developed. This is accomplished by observing the person to be examined, over a certain period and in a variety of different situations. Detailed information about the individual’s background is then collected.
Search for a correlation
After analyzing the case, an attempt is made to find a correlation between the two variables studied (dependent and independent). These correlation studies cannot give rise to chance, since the main rule of correlational study is that: correlation is never equal to chance.
Naturalistic observation
To finish the investigation, a naturalistic study is carried out that offers researchers the opportunity to observe individuals in their natural environments.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.