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High leukocytes

Blood is made up of different cells and each one of them fulfills a different and vital function for the body. In the blood we find red blood cells, which are the cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the human body, we also find platelets , which are involved in the blood clotting process to stop bleeding, and finally, white blood cells , better known in medicine as leukocytes.

What does high white blood cells mean?

When we perform a blood test we can know the concentration of these cells in the blood. Any value above or below normal represents an irregularity that should be studied by a doctor to know its cause and, above all, to treat the condition that produces it in time and avoid complications.

High leukocytes are not a disease, they are a consequence of some process that is occurring in the human body. If you want to know more about abundant leukocytes , what it means, what risks they pose, we invite you to continue reading this article.

What are leukocytes?

White blood cells or leukocytes are blood cells that are made in the bone marrow and lymphatic tissue and can be found in the blood, tonsils, spleen, adenoids, nodes, and other parts of the immune system. The main function of white blood cells is to prevent disease, helping the body fight germs and bacteria that can cause viral processes or major infections.

Types of leukocytes

You have probably heard about the body’s defenses and how important they are to avoid catching the flu , for example; Those famous defenses are white blood cells, which is why it is vital to maintain a balanced concentration of these cells in the body to prevent any type of condition .

There are five types of white blood cells :

  • Lymphocytes : these are the smallest leukocytes and are the most important for the immune system to react to any foreign agent.
  • Monocytes : are the largest white blood cells and travel through the blood to organs such as the lungs, liver, spleen and bones to eliminate different microorganisms or cell debris.
  • Neutrophils : they are the most abundant in the blood and their main function is to eliminate fungi and bacteria. They have a short duration, they only live for a few hours or a day.
  • Eosinophils : they intervene in allergic reactions and in the death of parasites. They usually last between 4 and 5 days.
  • Basophils : they are the least abundant and are altered when the body is going through and fighting any allergic process.

Causes of high white blood cells

The normal values ​​of a blood test should show that a person has in each microliter of blood between 4,000 and up to 11,000 white blood cells , although these figures may vary depending on the clinical laboratory that performs the test.

When a person has values ​​greater than 11,000 for each microliter of blood , they are considered to have leukocytosis or high leukocytes .

In general, this condition can be caused both by natural processes, for example having high leukocytes in pregnancy , or because our body is trying to eliminate some virus or bacteria from the body. In either case, it is necessary to know the cause of high leukocytes in order to find the ideal treatment and reverse the condition. The most common causes of high white blood cells are:

  • Bone marrow problems : high white blood cells may be warning that the bone marrow is excessively producing these types of cells in an uncontrolled way due to conditions such as leukemia or a tumor.
  • Infections or viral processes : they are the most common cause of leukocytosis, since when we get sick with conditions such as the flu, the body increases the production of white blood cells to eliminate viruses and bacteria.
  • Inflammatory diseases : any inflammatory process that occurs in the body, such as arthritis , can trigger a sudden increase in white blood cells.
  • Injuries to the skin : when we suffer some type of skin condition that damages the tissue, such as a burn, the body increases the levels of white blood cells as a defense mechanism to prevent complications such as an infection.
  • Drug Leukocytosis : Sometimes high white blood cells are a consequence of taking certain drugs such as those used to treat cancer and respiratory diseases such as asthma .
  • Allergies : people who suffer from rhinitis or are allergic to external factors such as dust mites usually have high levels of white blood cells.
  • Stress : any sudden changes in life such as having a new job, increased workload, worries, fears and anxiety can cause a significant state of stress that raises the levels of leukocytes in the blood and keeps the immune system on alert.
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Symptoms of high white blood cells

In general, having elevated white blood cells does not usually trigger any symptoms in the body, however, sometimes and depending on the primary cause of this situation, the person may experience the following manifestations:

  • Bruising of the skin with no apparent cause.
  • Loss of hunger.
  • Dizziness, nausea, and excessive sweating.
  • Body weakness and fatigue.
  • Tingling sensation in arms, abdomen and legs.
  • Blurred vision, fainting, and shortness of breath.

What to do if you have high leukocytes

The first thing to keep in mind is that if you have just come out of a flu, infection or viral process, it is totally normal for your high blood cells to be elevated in the blood and after a few weeks everything will return to normal. If this is not your case, then we recommend that you go to your family doctor so that he can determine what is the cause of this condition.

Your doctor may want to rule out any bone marrow malignancies, which is why they suggest you go to a hematologist , the doctor in charge of treating any blood-related disorder. The hematologist will likely want to rule out any bone marrow malignancy by performing a marrow puncture and another series of blood tests.

If everything goes well and the cause of the high leukocytes is still not found, then it is very likely that your doctor will suggest that you go to an allergist to carry out the relevant tests and rule out any new and sudden allergic processes.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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