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Obesity among young people increases in Spain

Obesity among young people increases in Spain

Javier Aranceta , a member of the Spanish Community Nutrition Society (SENC), has pointed out that the prevalence of obesity among young people in Spain has increased between three and five percentage points in just 18 years, since 2000.

To reach this conclusion, a study has been carried out in which 6,800 people have participated in Spain. This research has shown that in recent years childhood obesity has stabilized, although there are large differences between different population groups. Factors such as gender or socioeconomic status are determining factors.

And it is precisely in the population groups with a lower income level that obesity and overweight rates have increased the most in recent years. Experts indicate that it is important that these families know both how to choose and organize their diet to be healthier.

Distribution of youth obesity in Spain

Currently the study confirms that 11.3% of young Spanish people are obese ; the percentage is 12.6 for boys and 11.2 for girls. Those responsible for the investigation point out that the problem goes far beyond youth. And it is that 50% of these young people will be obese during their adult life and will suffer certain diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, among others.

Compared to the rest of Europe , it is the countries in the south of the continent that show the highest prevalence of obesity in people of all ages.

You may also be interested in:   Obesity

The role of the Mediterranean diet

Elliot Berry, director of the Department of Human Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Jerusalem, says urgent action is needed to reduce obesity in younger populations. The expert considers that one of the most effective methods is to implement the Mediterranean diet , which has been the basis of the diet in Spain for many years, but is being lost lately due to various factors.

He points out that there is a lack of information and nutritional education to be able to establish a healthy eating plan , in which foods with a high biological value are incorporated.

Carmen Pérez-Rodrigo, president of the SENC and of the Nutrimad 2018 Scientific Committee, goes one step further. He argues that it is not only necessary to promote the Mediterranean diet, but also to make it sustainable both in the short and in the medium and long term. He explains that it is essential to take care of the natural environment, paying special attention to both livestock and agriculture .

If this trend continues, the percentage of obese young people in the coming years will increase significantly, especially in certain areas of the world. It is interesting to note that in just four decades obesity rates have quadrupled. Alarming figures before which experts from all over the world are trying to find effective solutions.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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