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Pain in the right arm

There are many possible triggers for right arm and shoulder pain . Sometimes, it can be due to excessive use of it and its solution is simple. In other cases, it can become a more serious matter that requires professional medical help.

We must differentiate to which category the pain belongs to find the correct solution and improve the quality of life. In this article we define the various types of pain in the right shoulder and arm .

Causes of pain in the shoulder and right arm

What can be pain in the right shoulder and arm? Here are the possible causes and what to do when it hurts a lot, and why my right arm hurts.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This syndrome is very common in tennis players, climbers or even people who use the computer and the mouse a lot. The carpal tunnel area is an area where muscle nerves, veins, arteries, and tendons converge at a common opening in the hand.

The movement forced continuous hand this tunnel compressed , leading to pain, tingling and muscle weakness, either in hand or along the arm.

Adhesive Capsulitis (“Frozen Shoulder”)

Range of motion can be affected in this case. Pain goes through different stages. Initially, the shoulder experiences pain lasting one to three months. Later it decreases, but we will notice that the shoulder begins to become more rigid.

The symptoms usually progress slowly over months or years . The so-called “frozen shoulder” can be caused by an injury to the area or by the aging process. This condition generally affects people over the age of 40.

Tendinitis and bursa

The tendons in the shoulder are pinched, and activities that require neck movements make the pain worse. Therefore, people who play sports frequently can experience this condition .

It usually involves inflammation of the tendons or bursa in the joint. The inflammation can cause pain in the right arm that radiates to the lower structures. Also the fluid in a sac called a bursa, which is located between the tendon and the bone, can become inflamed.


Some type of trauma can cause a fracture in the shoulder or arm, resulting in pain in the right shoulder and arm.

Cervical disc herniation

Located in the back and neck, these cervical “sponge” discs can be damaged . The change in the shape of the discs can damage the nerves that surround it, causing pain in the arms and weakness.

Acromioclavicular separation

Acromioclavicular separation can be caused by a fall with an outstretched arm or by direct trauma to the external area of ​​the shoulder.

The acromioclavicular joint includes the area where the clavicle bone meets the shoulder blade. The ligaments that support this joint can break , causing joint inflammation, pain, and muscle weakness.

Rotator cuff tear

There is a group of four muscles that connect the shoulder to the arm. The trauma in this area causes pain , especially when the top of the arm is used. The pain is localized to the front and side of the shoulder and seems to be worse at night.

Thoracic outlet syndrome

This condition can be caused by prolonged periods of poor posture, such as hunched over at a computer all day. The pain is felt from the inside of the arm to the fingers. It occurs when the nerves and arteries in the neck and shoulders are trapped and compressed by the surrounding structures.

Shoulder arthritis

The condition can occur in older people, due to the normal aging process, or in young people who have experienced trauma or injury to the area.


Syringomyelia is a rare medical condition, which can often cause us to feel pain in the right arm. Syringomyelia is characterized by the formation of fluid-filled cysts that arise around the region of the spinal cord .

Over time, the cyst may expand and cause damage to the spinal cord. This damage is accompanied by sharp, stabbing pain, fatigue, and other upper-body symptoms.

Brachial plexus injury

This is a lesion of the nerve network that is noticeable from the spine to the hand, shoulder and arm. Brachial plexus injury occurs when nerves are compressed or stretched . In the most severe cases, brachial plexus injury occurs when nerves separate from the spinal cord.

The injury of the brachial plexus is common in sports contact like football or accidents such as traffic. Severe cases of brachial plexus injury can leave the right arm paralyzed.

Sign of a heart attack?

In popular belief, we tend to think that one of the symptoms of a heart attack is limited to pain in the left shoulder and arm. However, this belief is totally wrong.

When you begin to experience a heart attack, the pain may be localized in the neck , shoulder, or arms on both sides of the body. Therefore, it would not only be limited to the left side. Even many older people can experience pain in the pit of the stomach , mistaking it for a gastrointestinal episode.

Treatments for pain in the right arm

If the pain and discomfort are mild, we can practice some of these tips at home to alleviate symptoms until we see a professional.

It is important to get plenty of rest to give the body time to heal, reduce excessive movements and traumatic activities (tennis, climbing, etc.). It is also interesting to perform daily stretches to maintain range of motion.

If we suspect that the condition is serious or the pain does not subside after a week, it will be advisable for us to consult our doctor as soon as possible.

Watching for pain in the right arm can save many people’s lives. If, together with the above symptoms, we manifest difficulty breathing, excessive sweating and palpitation or pressure on the chest, as if a claw were shrinking our heart, it is urgent that we go to the emergency room or that we contact our doctor immediately.

These are the most frequent locations of pain

  • Pain in the right arm
  • Pain in the right arm and shoulder
  • Pain in the right arm from shoulder to elbow
  • Pain in the chest and right arm
  • Pain in the back and right arm
  • Pain in the neck and right arm
  • Pain in the hand and right arm

It is always better to prevent the risks of more serious diseases and conditions, limiting their scope from an early diagnosis.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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