We can find calcium in many foods, not only in dairy. For example, vegetables are a source of calcium that some people are still unaware of. Although milk, yogurts, and cheese are great sources of calcium, they are not the only source. The calcium level in vegetables and other foods may even be higher than in dairy.
Calcium is an essential mineral throughout our lives, as it is responsible for keeping our bones and teeth strong and ensuring proper functioning of our body. Likewise, calcium collaborates in the correct activity of the nervous system , muscle contraction and in the well-being of our heart.
Today, there are a greater number of intolerances to certain foods, such as dairy products. In addition to finding calcium in dairy products , we can consume this mineral in certain vegetables, such as cabbage or chard, therefore, it is possible to take calcium without drinking milk.
Non-dairy foods rich in calcium
One of the foods with the most calcium is sesame seeds. In addition to being very versatile and used in all kinds of foods, these seeds have a great variety of micronutrients. The poppy seeds concentrate even greater volume of calcium per 100 grams. You can include them in your diet in an easy and healthy way.
The vegetables that have greens , such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, kale and watercress. For example, a serving of 200 grams of broccoli has a 60% absorption of calcium, compared to 30% that can be absorbed from dairy foods. Therefore, vegetables can be a great source of calcium that should be included in the diet.
Nuts are another of the allies to obtain this mineral. Almonds concentrate a large amount of calcium among their properties, so including a handful of about 30 grams in our diet can be very beneficial. Other nuts can be hazelnuts and walnuts. A nutritious and healthy snack.
Algae, despite not being a very common food in refrigerators, is a good option if we want to consume foods rich in calcium. In addition to being low in fat and rich in iron, algae such as agar, wakame or hiziki can be a great alternative.
The soybeans, chickpeas, beans or beans are another option to consume calcium. Legumes offer us calcium and a multitude of very beneficial minerals for our body, so we must not forget to include them in the diet.
Dried herbs such as oregano, basil, thyme or rosemary, among others, have the ability to, in addition to enhancing the flavor of our dishes, serve as a source of calcium.
Tofu, this food derived from soybeans, is a great substitute for meat and cheese, which is why it is often used frequently in vegan diets. There are many foods made with tofu, such as hamburgers, but it can also be consumed with aromatic herbs, in salads and even in desserts.
Fruits such as figs, kiwi or strawberries are rich in minerals and vitamins. The fig in particular is very rich in vitamin K2, calcium and magnesium, which is why it favors our bones.
It must be taken into account that there are certain factors that can hinder the absorption of calcium by our body. In addition to consuming calcium in vegetables , nuts, dairy or seeds, we should practice sports and take a few minutes of sun a day, as well as reduce the consumption of foods high in sugar and salt.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.