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How to differentiate spring allergy from COVID-19 symptoms?

Since the relatively recent emergence of the COVID-19 virus , uncertainty in people has grown exponentially. Sometimes even the slightest cold can set off alarms. And it is that, until today, this virus has caused great losses worldwide, which is why anxiety gets out of control with extreme ease.

One situation that brings out this uncertainty is the time of the so-called spring allergy . Although they are two completely different diseases, in the eyes of the average person, this can trigger a wrong behavior in the situation. That is why today we will teach you how to differentiate the spring allergy from the symptoms of COVID-19.

What is a spring allergy?

Spring allergy is a type of seasonal allergy characterized by occurring more frequently at a specific time: spring.

The origin of the spring allergy is given by the excess of pollen that permeates the air of the environment at this time of year. Therefore, those people who are allergic to pollen, will be those who trigger the characteristic symptoms of spring allergy.

It is often mistaken for the common cold and, recently, mild COVID symptoms. However, it is a self-limited disease and does not carry major sequelae, much less is it contagious.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a recent disease caused by a virus with the same name, the severity of which is influenced by certain risk factors.

As many already know, COVID-19 is a fairly contagious disease and, unlike spring allergy, it does not discriminate between time of year or type of environment.

Although the origin of this virus is not fully elucidated, what we are sure of is the way it is transmitted. At the moment, it has been shown that its transmission route occurs through the so-called respiratory drops.

Put more simply, it is transmitted by being in contact for a short period of time with infected people. That is where the importance of the use of face masks or face masks lies, tools that notably prevent contagion.

In its initial stages, or in its mild form, it can be mistaken for a common cold or some type of allergy.

When it comes to moderate and severe cases, the symptoms are usually unequivocal for COVID, which requires a more specific treatment scheme .

Although the mortality rate in some countries does not even reach 10%, the simple fact of being exposed to the virus does generate a lot of concern and anxiety in the population.

Unlike the spring allergy, COVID can leave important sequelae from the functional point of view in our body.

Symptoms of spring allergy

The symptoms of spring allergy are usually very mild and, although they are nonspecific, they are easy to control with general treatments. A person with a spring allergy will usually have repetitive episodes of sneezing, which can be quite annoying.

These same sneezes trigger the appearance of crystalline or transparent mucus , that is, a runny nose. Also, we will notice a more than noticeable redness of the skin of the nose.

You may also be interested in:   Pollen allergy

This described symptomatology in turn triggers a slight or total loss of smell, and a slight loss of taste. This would be the most important point to which some people cling to estimate that they are possibly infected by the COVID-19 virus.

Additionally, in the spring allergy we will find the presence of red eyes or excessive tearing . All these symptoms, together, we could agglomerate within the concept of a simple allergic rhinitis .

The symptoms of spring allergy disappear easily with the use of antihistamines or better known as antiallergics, this being one more characteristic of the disease.

Symptoms of COVID-19

The symptoms associated with COVID-19 are somewhat more complex. So much so, that infected patients are divided into strata according to the severity of their symptoms. However, the stratum that generates the greatest doubts and that is often confused with spring allergy, has to do with the mild form of this disease.

A patient with mild COVID may present with a moderate fever , headache, general muscle pain, cough, malaise, and loss of smell and taste. These symptoms can be highly variable, depending on how each individual’s body responds. That is, they can all be presented at once, or one or two can be presented.

Generally, fever, cough, and loss of smell and taste are the symptoms that, together, raise suspicions of a possible case of COVID-19.

The internationally approved treatment for COVID-19 in its mild modality is very simple and easy to specify. Symptoms usually disappear in one or two weeks, depending on the person’s immune status, although they can be prolonged.

Recommendations to keep in mind

The appearance of COVID-19 has generated concerns in the world population to such an extent that any slightest symptom can alarm us. Such is the case of those people who suffer from spring allergy.

The clinical similarities of spring allergy and COVID-19 are very few and nonspecific. There are many other diseases, especially of a viral nature, that can trigger the same symptoms and that can be confused with COVID-19 at first glance.

For this reason, it is essential that, whatever the case, you go to a professional in case you have doubts about your possible diagnosis.

You must bear in mind that COVID-19 can be a disease with a progressive evolution and that it can become serious in certain cases. For this reason, you shouldn’t take any symptoms lightly.

Ideally, the most appropriate diagnostic mechanisms are applied to find a concrete answer to your problem and, eventually, a viable solution. In the case of suspecting a spring allergy, it is worth going to an allergist if you have never had similar symptoms. For the rest, medical advice via online or by phone can also help you contain symptoms from home, without major worries.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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