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Intestinal gas: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gas is a completely normal part of the digestion of eaten food. In the same way, the elimination of these gases, both through the mouth and the anus, is also considered normal. However, painful intestinal gas can occur when it is trapped in the digestive system , so that it cannot move easily.

There are many people, both children and adults, who try to eliminate intestinal gas because of the discomfort it causes them. Well, it’s often as simple as changing your eating habits. Of course, sometimes the increase in gas or the pain caused by them can be due to different diseases of the digestive system, such as irritable bowel syndrome .

It is worth noting that burping is normal, especially during or immediately after meals. Studies show that adults pass gas about 20 times a day. Therefore, although this may be a condition that generates great rejection at the social level, gas is rarely a symptom related to a serious medical disorder.

Symptoms of intestinal gas

The most common symptoms when painful intestinal gas occurs are as follows. On the one hand , belching , understood as the expulsion of gases through the mouth. On the other hand, flatulence, as it is known to expel gas through the anus.

In addition, a high percentage of people have severe pain in the abdomen , which occurs in the form of pressure. Another of the most common symptoms is the feeling of fullness, especially between meals. And finally, highlight the increase in the size of the abdomen.

On certain occasions, intestinal gas is so frequent or intense that it significantly affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it, although it is not something too common. In general, this type of gas is accompanied by other signs that indicate the presence of some disease related to the digestive system: presence of blood in the stool , change in the smell and / or consistency of the stool, loss of weight for no apparent reason , constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Causes of intestinal gas

Intestinal gas, as its name suggests, is produced in the small intestine. Its appearance can be linked to various factors, such as the air that is swallowed unconsciously when drinking from a bottle, carbonated drinks or the use of certain medications that alter the intestinal flora .


Consuming certain types of food is one of the main causes of intestinal gas. Those foods that are high in fiber significantly promote flatulence, such as legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

However, it must be taken into account that fiber is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the body in general, and the digestive system in particular. That is why it is not about eliminating its consumption, but about controlling it. Similarly, carbonated drinks increase gas in the stomach.

The list of foods that generate gases is as follows.

  • Legumes: broad beans, beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas greatly promote gas formation in the intestine.
  • Vegetables: although consuming vegetables is generally very healthy, certain types such as cabbage, cauliflower or cabbage, are not recommended at all in people prone to painful intestinal gas.
  • Whole grains: although they are very beneficial to combat constipation, they are not recommended for gas.
  • Fruits: regarding fruits, the least recommended are pineapple, plum, banana and raisins.

Not eating properly

Gas forms in the stomach when a large amount of air is swallowed at mealtime. That is why one of the main causes of painful intestinal gas has to do with not eating properly. Experts recommend eating food calmly and slowly, chewing it correctly to facilitate digestion.

Also, it is worth avoiding chewing gum as more air is swallowed when chewed than normal. Similarly, when smoking, during smoke inhalation, air is also inhaled and swallowed.


  • Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is the inflammation of the diverticula, small bumps found in the lining of the digestive system. This disorder occurs in the vast majority of cases in people over 40 years of age. As for the symptoms, the most frequent are pain in the lower abdomen, abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting and fever .
  • Ulcerative Colitis: Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease that affects the intestine. It is characterized by the formation of sores in the digestive tract, which can cause damage of various degrees to the colon and rectum. The most common recurring symptom is diarrhea, usually with blood in the stool.
  • Crohn’s disease : Crohn’s disease is a disorder that causes inflammation in the digestive system. The most common symptoms are severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. It usually begins between the ages of 13 and 30.
  • Food intolerance: sometimes painful intestinal gases respond to a food intolerance, especially lactose.

Treatment of intestinal gases

As for the cure for gas, in the vast majority of cases it is enough to make changes in diet and lifestyle. We also talked earlier about home remedies for gas .

1. Food

First, it is essential to follow a low fiber diet , reducing the consumption of foods such as legumes and whole grains. Fried foods are also not recommended in order to avoid belching and flatulence.

2. Physical exercise

Second, to eliminate intestinal gas it is recommended to practice physical exercise frequently to improve intestinal transit and thus promote evacuation. The activity is of great help to cope with intestinal distention and certain disorders such as constipation.

3. Products for gases

Third, when it comes to gas products, it is better to avoid laxatives that increase gas production, such as fiber or lactulose .

For your part, there are some over-the-counter products that can be of great help. One of the most common are lactase supplements, which greatly help digest the sugar present in dairy products. A good option for those who want to reduce the symptoms of intestinal gas if they are lactose intolerant.

Also simethicone, which helps to break the bubbles of gases, thus facilitating their passage through the digestive tract.

4. Relaxed lifestyle

And, fourth and last, taking into account that stress and anxiety cause gas formation in the intestine, it is better to lead a lifestyle as calm and relaxed as possible.


Having these clear guidelines on the symptoms, causes and treatment of intestinal gas is easier to remedy them. In many cases saying goodbye to painful gas is as simple as changing your habits: practicing physical exercise, minimizing the consumption of foods rich in fiber and leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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