It would not be possible to understand human interaction and relationships, without taking into account the phenomenon that corresponds to communication. No longer just to listen, respond, explain and inform. Communication is highly complex , and is immersed in all kinds of processes with which human beings interact.
The communicative process is essential , since it allows us to exchange information, organize, learn and develop as individuals within the social framework of which we are participants.
We just have to take a look at how we have evolved and what we attach the most importance to today, to understand the importance of communication in our lives. Marketing, social networks, technology, internet; everything is designed for interaction , expression and information.
Over time we have developed various ways of communicating , hence communication has become more complex and enriched.
The importance of the communication
However, this evolution of communication also involves a lot of controversy, since there are those who think that we live in a world in which information overload prevails. What results in poor communication, distorted, where there is more noise than quality content.
This also happens in our way of communicating, new technologies, such as smartphones and social networks, have led to an important change in our way of communicating .
We are connected with people from all over the world, and we interact and share our lives with all kinds of people with little effort. This great world of possibilities to communicate has made interactions change. Whether for better or for worse, everyone has their own opinion on the matter, on what the new types of communication mean .
The current reality is that there are more and more types of communication . Next we will see what they are, and what each of them is for.
The universe of human communication
As we know, communication is essential for the human being. It is present in all our areas, in the social and family field. Researchers in the field of communication agree that communication can be subdivided into three areas:
In the syntactic area of communication we find the problems derived from the transmission of information. Focusing his study on codes, rules, scores, noise and factors that disturb communication . In this sense, the content does not matter but the structure of the message.
Unlike syntactics, semantics is responsible for the content of the message. Providing a meaning to each of our words . All communication presupposes an agreement on the meaning we give to our words.
Under this area we see how communication influences our actions, daily actions and, ultimately, our behavior. All human behavior is considered to be communication itself . Therefore, even when we do not want to communicate, we are communicating, it is inevitable. There is no “no communication”.
What are the types of communication
Depending on the context, the communication channel and the people who interact, the types of human communication can vary. Thanks to our urgent need to communicate, we make it possible in any context.
That is why communication has a great power of adaptation. Because it is constantly evolving and changing. One could say that communication has a dynamic character . Next we will show you the different types of communication and their characteristics.
Verbal and non-verbal communication
These are the two types of communication par excellence that we all know. Much is said about them and it is known that both are very characteristic in the human being. But what are the essential characteristics of each of them?
Characteristics of verbal communication
It is the form of communication that we use through words. We interact through words between the sender and the receiver. The sender is the one who expresses the message and the receiver who receives it. This type of communication can be both oral and written:
Oral communication : it is used when we speak, the words are represented by acoustic sounds. Therefore, not only words would be part of oral communication, but also laughter, crying, anguish and pain, through the characteristic sounds that we all easily recognize, although the language is different.
Written communication: it is represented by written codes, either through our language belonging to an alphabet, or through hieroglyphs, pictograms, etc.
Verbal communication, it is clear that it is the most explicit and the most widespread among human beings. It is also the one that we all recognize best, it takes us a few years to learn oral language, which is governed by a series of rules characteristic of each language.
However, verbal communication is much more intuitive and universal. Even, as indicated by psychology, non-verbal communication is more trustworthy and authentic than oral communication.
Non-verbal communication
Through this communication we do not need the expression of words. This communication is more primitive and precedes verbal . In most cases this type of language is unconscious, we are sending messages to our receiver without even realizing it (another thing is that our receiver knows how to capture these signals).
Postures, movements, tics, looks, way of walking, sitting, etc. They are many of the messages associated with non-verbal communication.
As we say, many times we are not aware of these types of messages, either to send them or to receive them. Although they are messages loaded with a great symbolic content , and even much deeper than oral messages. It represents our first ancestral way of communicating, when the use of words was non-existent.
There are no such consensual norms, which also gives rise to many interpretations. The messages are not clear and can be quite ambiguous . That is why we have to attend to other aspects to be able to make an interpretation of this type of language. It requires a good observation, and as we well know, it is even studied, since to interpret it as well as possible it is necessary to be an expert in non-verbal communication.
Communication depending on the sensory channel
The communication channel is the medium through which we direct our message. Let’s see what are these means that we use to communicate, thanks to our senses.
Auditory communication
This type of communication is perceived through the ear. It allows us to communicate over great distances, and connects people who are from different cultures. Music is a clear example of a channel belonging to this type of communication that we can perceive thanks to the auditory sensory channel.
Visual comunication
These are messages that are perceived thanks to sight. Through the visual medium, all kinds of ideas , thoughts, intentions and even feelings and emotions are expressed . Through images that have a symbolic charge.
Gustatory communication
This type of information is sent to be captured by the taste buds, also having interaction with the smell. A clear example is in the food dishes that we prepare . We savor food and we are able to capture a message, a characteristic taste that even reminds us of a special situation.
Olfactory communication
Each person has a particular smell, so we send certain messages about ourselves, without any intention. Intentionality exists when we choose a perfume. This type of message remains in the environment for a time, being more persistent than the auditory one.
Functionality-based communication
Communication can be used to offer specific information, which is related to certain interests. Depending on the interest you have, one function or another will be represented. Let’s see which are the most characteristic functions when it comes to communicating .
To form
When the function in communication is to train other people, the message must have a certain authority and consistency, so that it influences their mental state. The issuer provides information for the acquisition of intellectual skills, behaviors, habits, convictions, etc. A clear example would be that of teachers and their students.
In this case, the transmitter of the message creates content for the enjoyment of the receiver . We can have an example in the magicians, who with their magic tricks entertain the spectators.
Through this communication process, such as persuading, it is intended to modify the beliefs or behaviors of the receiver , with the intention that they cooperate for a purpose or objective. All of us are used to receiving this type of communication on a daily basis through the media. It is used mainly in marketing techniques.
It simply has to do with the emission and reception of the message. Its function is to transmit information so that the receiver has access to social and historical experience . An example can be documentaries.
Communication based on the technology channel
In recent years, the technology channel has established itself as one of the most important communication channels. Its popularity and momentum is due to technological evolution . Today, it is difficult to find someone who is not “connected” through social networks using the Internet.
We live in the technological age, our way of communicating is in full evolution, and proof of this are the different communication channels that have emerged, and that are increasingly used by everyone.
Virtual and digital communication
This type of communication owes its existence to the world of the Internet . Through which we have conversations on Skype. We exchange conversations by chat, and transmit information through blogs, digital press and social networks.
Telephone communication
Phones have also evolved, and today it is the Smartphone or smart phones that are most present in our lives. We live with mobiles, hardly detaching ourselves from them. Telephones have become a basic necessity for most of the people. They allow us to interact with all kinds of people, regardless of their distance .
Cinematic communication
This communication occurs thanks to the big screen, where we can experience feature films and large productions in a surprising way.
Television communication
Through our television we can do more and more things. It has endless possibilities and all of them aimed at communication. We inform ourselves and choose what we want to see at all times.
Has our communication gotten better or worse?
All these types of communication that we have highlighted are the most relevant of the time in which we currently live . Taking into account how communication has evolved, it is not surprising that in a few years we can talk about other means and types of communication that are unthinkable at this time.
The human being is constantly creating means to communicate . Although we cannot ignore the most essential ones, such as affective communication, emotional communication, sexual communication, and even sign communication.
Although new communication channels appear in our lives, we cannot neglect the bonds and relationships that are created through intimacy.
And if you are still wondering if all these advances have helped us improve our communication, you should ask yourself if the means you use to communicate guarantee quality communication .
f If the messages arrive with the least possible noise, if they are honest and authentic, and if they achieve the objective of transmitting what we really want.
That the types of communication have evolved does not guarantee that communication is good or of higher quality. This is one of the great controversies of our time .
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.