The laughter therapy , also known as risoterapia , is a treatment consisting of a set of dynamic and active techniques derived from meditation, music therapy and free dance, among many other disciplines. It is thus a therapeutic and personal growth process in which, through laughter, the participants find themselves fully satisfied and happy.
Laughter is used in this type of natural therapy as a tool, not as a goal to be pursued. Thus, in laughter therapy, laughter is used as a mechanism to deepen the inner “I” of each person. Something that is complicated with other types of therapies and treatments since people are usually reluctant to them and, therefore, put up resistance.
Differences between humor and laughter therapy
There are those who believe that humor and laughter therapy are the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.
There is a big difference between humor and laughter therapy. In the case of the first, the public laughter is forced from the outside . However, laughter therapy goes further; try to get patients to feel a state of full happiness that greatly facilitates laughter .
Therefore, the process is the reverse. While humor is sought for laughter and laughter from the public, after which people feel happier; in laughter therapy techniques are applied so that people feel satisfied, thus getting to laugh from the inside.
Types of laughter
Two types of laughter are distinguished.
- Discharge: in relation to what was explained in the previous point, discharge laughter allows people to laugh at what they do not usually allow themselves in everyday life, such as money or power.
- Relaxed: this type of laughter is much closer to happiness. It is characterized by being wide and, furthermore, not as loud as the previous one; it is perceived more like a slight sigh.
History of laughter therapy
Although it was not scientifically proven until recently, the truth is that the power of laughter to influence both the body and the mind has been well known since ancient times.
In China, Taoists believed that a person’s state of health was directly proportionate to the times he laughed throughout the day. Later, in the Middle Ages , the actions carried out by the jesters had the main objective of facilitating the digestion process of the diners.
Later, experts such as Richard Mulcaster and Robert Burton, began to recommend laughter to their patients as a method of therapy for certain diseases. Self Sigmund Freud pointed out that laughter had great power to release negative energy from the body.
Benefits of laughter therapy
The benefits of laughter therapy are vast. We can include them in three large groups: physical, psychological and social.
Physical benefits
Laughter therapy has a great selection of fitness benefits.
- Strengthens the immune system : the body’s set of endorphins is associated with the level of endorphins, better known as hormones of happiness. Thus, when endorphins increase, the immune system becomes stronger and, therefore, provides better protection against certain diseases such as the flu .
- Improves blood circulation: one of the main benefits of laughter therapy on a physical level is that it improves blood circulation, so that it is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Thus, in the case of adults and the elderly, the risk of suffering from certain diseases such as myocardial infarction significantly decreases .
- Improves intestinal transit: laughter therapy helps improve intestinal transit as it helps the body work in a more comfortable and relaxed way. Thus, it is a great alternative to avoid diseases such as constipation .
- Burns calories: laughing moves around 400 muscles throughout the body. Some studies have shown that laughing 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise.
- It prevents insomnia : and, finally, the state of well-being and self – esteem that laughter therapy achieves helps to better sleep, resting deeply. Thus, a better quality of life is achieved.
Psychological benefits
Here are the main benefits for the mind of laughter therapy.
- Relieves stress : this is undoubtedly one of the greatest benefits of this type of natural therapy; something very important considering that more and more people are affected by this disease, both adults and children. Laughter therapy helps to release the stress generated by the daily routine, learning to transform the negative into the positive.
- Improves Mood: Laughter therapy helps significantly to lift the spirits of any person. Thus, after the session, patients have a feeling of full happiness.
- Think positive: another of the benefits that is worth highlighting of laughter therapy is that it allows you to face in a more positive way different situations that arise on the path of life.
Social benefits
The social benefits of laughter therapy are also worth considering.
- Goodbye to shyness: Shy people generally have trouble relating to others and making new friends. Well, the objective of this type of therapy is that the participants let themselves be carried away; each of them can do what they consider most appropriate in each exercise without being judged.
- New Friends: Of course, laughter therapy is a great opportunity to make new friends. In the sessions, a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere is created, so the possibilities of sympathizing with others increase exponentially.
What is a laughter therapy session like?
The main objective of a laughter therapy session is to promote good humor. To do this, through a series of techniques and dynamics, it tries to change the perspective that patients have of their daily problems. In addition, this type of natural therapy seeks to promote communication and physical contact, as well as enhance positive thinking and attitude.
Theoric introduction
The laughter therapy workshop begins with a theoretical introduction in which the basic concepts of laughter are explained , as well as its health benefits.
To laugh it is essential that the mind is completely relaxed. Therefore, the warm-up phase is essential to meet the objectives proposed for the session. Thus, through a series of very simple guided exercises, it is possible to break the barriers of inhibition of the participants : simulation of faces, imitations, different ways of walking … The objective is to create situations that are fun so that the participants start little by little. to laugh, reducing their levels of shame and feeling comfortable with both themselves and the group.
It is important that the exercises carried out require some effort, so that the participants are forced to breathe in order to oxygenate their body.
Dynamics and games
This is the most important part of the workshop, in which a set of dynamics and games are carried out through which the participants feel full and happy and, in this way, laugh sincerely. Here are some of the games that take place in the sessions.
- Grimaces in circles: participants stand in circles. The one who starts the game gives the person on his right the strangest grimace that occurs to him at that moment; then this one to the next one, and so on until the first one is reached. In this way, one by one the participants go through the round of ridiculous gestures.
- Touch touch: a group game in which the laughs are more than assured. The participants walk around the room aimlessly, touching the shoulders of the other participants while laughing non-stop. You have to change the person touched all the time, but never stay without touching the shoulder of any person in the group.
- Mirror: this game is done in pairs. The dynamics is very simple; two participants face each other and one of them must make faces while the other imitates him.
- Balloon: each of the participants takes a balloon and begins to inflate it little by little. In each breath you let out something you want to say goodbye to in your life. Afterwards, each one ties the balloon with the laces of their shoes and begins to dance dragging the balloon; the goal is to blow it up before the song ends.
- Tickling: another game that is also very popular in laughter therapy sessions is group tickling. Tickling sends electrical impulses to the central nervous system , generating a certain reaction in the brain.
Laughter gym
At this point, the laughter and laughter of the participants reach their maximum splendor. The feeling of fullness is total, and the participants feel relaxed and happy.
After a session of non-stop laughing, it is time to reduce the intensity and begin to internalize the laughter to install it inside. During the relaxation process, the participants visualize themselves renewed and full of life, ready to approach the path of life with a positive mental attitude and a very pleasant emotional state.
In short, laughter therapy is a psycho-therapeutic technique with a great selection of benefits both physically and psychologically, and even socially. As we have pointed out, it is carried out through group activities in which the participants leave feeling more positive and optimistic, more satisfied with their lives and with the decisions made.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.