Allergies of any kind turn out to be very annoying and unpleasant, especially due to the symptoms they produce. Some of the most significant are general discomfort, nasal congestion and the great irritation that so much discomfort generates. These can present in a mild or severe way. Allergies can occur due to any substance that is in the air , and our immune system looks for a defense mechanism that generates these types of reactions. But the solution to them can be obtained through loratadine , a drug that is easily accessible, and not only that, but it also manages to improve all the symptoms caused by allergies.
What is loratadine?
It is a specialized drug for the treatment of allergies , it is a powerful decongestant, especially if we want to avoid a cold. It also alleviates the symptoms of allergic conditions at the dermatological level. It reduces the symptoms of rhinitis , sneezing and relieves allergic conjunctivitis .
Composition of loratadine
Loratadine is an antihistamine that contains the following components: Sodium Benzoate, Sucrose, Anhydrous Citric Acid, Sodium Saccharin Dihydrate, Propylene Glycol, Polyvidone, Purified Water. It does not produce sedative effects due to its low penetration into the central nervous system .
- Sodium Benzoate: It is nothing more than an antimicrobial preservative.
- Sucrose: it is what we all know as sugar, this component can be seen in the oral suspension presentation.
- Anhydrous citric acid: preservative and antioxidant.
- Saccharin sodium dihydrate: it is a type of food energy, it is just as sweet as sugar, however it does not increase the level of sugar in the blood. In fact, this component is used to prepare dietary products for patients with diabetes .
- Propylene glycol: it has a hydrating power, and lubricates or improves the watery liquid of the eyes, prevents their dryness and irritation.
- Polyvidone: antiseptic and disinfectant.
What is loratadine for
Loratadine serves to temporarily relieve the systematic symptoms of fever (can be produced by dust, pollen or other substances found in the air), allergic processes which include sneezing, nasal congestion, excessive itching in the eyes of such that they feel irritated and swollen , also in the nose and throat. When we talk about allergic processes, we not only refer to those that are the product of a general discomfort at the body level, but also include dermatological allergies and loratadine is used to treat them. As well as for allergies caused by plants and insects.
Indications or dosage
It is vitally important to always follow the indications prescribed by a doctor, and not for what seems most convenient, since they are drugs that if not taken under medical supervision can produce certain side effects and as this is not what we want, you must follow the indications of your specialist.
- In children under 12 years of age: 5mg once a day.
- Adults and adolescents: 10mg once a day.
- In children under 2 years of age, its consumption should be under strict medical supervision, if it is recommended.
- In patients with kidney failure, they should take the recommended dose, that is, 10 mg, only on alternate days.
What happens if you forget to take a dose? You should not take a double dose, but wait until it is time for the next dose to be taken and continue with your normal treatment.
Product appearance and content
Loratadine comes in two forms, a tablet and an oral suspension. In general, the suspension is for children, we will almost always find its presentation with a content of 5mg . The tablets are for adults and adolescents and with these we find that their content is 10mg, so that it can be a single daily dose.
Also in pharmacies there is a presentation called desloratadine , this is the same medicine and has the same benefits and contraindications as loratadine. So do not worry if instead of loratadine you get this presentation because it is the same product with the same components.
- Keep in a place out of reach of children.
- It is preferable not to ingest this medicine after the expiration date found on the product.
- When disposing of it, we must take into account the health and safety of those around us, especially if they are children, it must be disposed of in the garbage container and disposed of immediately. It should not be disposed of via drains, it is always important to keep environmental health in mind.
- Loratadine should not be consumed in patients who have previously shown with other medications, allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to any of its components.
- Avoid consumption in children under 2 years of age, because the consumption of this can cause a paroxysmal arrhythmia and even affect the central nervous system.
- Although it does not have sedative effects, in certain patients it can cause drowsiness, so it is preferable that after ingesting this medication, avoid driving or doing certain activities that require our full concentration.
- It should not be consumed in pregnant women or in the process of lactation, as this drug can be excreted through breast milk and this can reduce lactation due to its anticholinergic effect.
- In patients suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction, they should consult a doctor before consuming it.
- Something very important is that loratadine does not treat cold or flu symptoms , only those that present allergic processes.
Side effects or adverse reactions
Although many people self-medicate with loratadine because they did it once and it did not result any effect, this can present certain side effects over time and they are the following:
Among the most frequent effects we have fatigue, drowsiness or sedation, headache or dry mouth , of course it does not occur in all patients. Headache is the most common side reaction that loratadine can cause. Patients who suffer from nervousness should avoid consuming this medicine as it may present adverse effects, such as, for example, it may cause them some general discomfort or present breathing difficulties, in addition to those mentioned above, as well as abdominal pain.
Those who suffer from kidney failure may present other types of symptoms, such as diarrhea, fatigue, pharyngitis or another type of discomfort, so special attention must be paid when consuming it in patients with this pathology. However, most patients have not had to stop loratadine treatment because of these types of side effects.
Each of its components can cause these adverse effects, and it is vitally important to know them, to consider which component it is that is altering the functioning of our body.
- Sodium benzoate: Can cause headaches, arrhythmia, loss of appetite, muscle aches, and even cramps or nausea.
- Anhydrous citric acid: This of course, if consumed in excess, is not going to be favorable, it can generate problems at the gastrointestinal level, causing gastritis and in very extreme cases ulcers could appear in the intestinal walls.
- Propylene glycol: It is a safe compound, however after prolonged consumption it can cause itching, redness or swelling in the eye area.
- Polyvidone: It can cause hypersensitivity reactions especially in those who are allergic to this substance. Do not consume alcoholic beverages while you are being treated with a medicine that contains this active component.
What happens if we exceed the recommended dose? It can cause severe headaches, dizziness and even rapid heartbeat . In case this happens, you should go to a specialist as soon as possible and look for a solution to inhibit this substance in our body.
While loratadine is being consumed, we should avoid drugs that have cimetidine, erythromycin and ketoconazole among their components because it increases the plasma concentration in the metabolism with this drug. However, these concentrations do not affect the cardiovascular level, so it does not affect patients suffering from pathologies related to this.
Something that should be taken into account, despite the fact that there are no scientific or medical studies on the matter, is that loratadine should not be ingested together with drugs that decrease cytochrome (cellular proteins). As we mentioned previously, loratadine does not have sedative effects , however it should be consumed with care and attention in patients taking antidepressant medications that directly affect the central nervous system. It has a certain degree of alcohol, for this reason you should not ingest any type of liquor while you are being treated with this drug.
- Sodium benzoate: The corticosteroid, which is a group similar to steroids, increases the levels of ammonia, a substance that is found mostly in the liver, so these should be monitored more frequently. Medications such as penicillin when combined with this component can cause obstruction in renal secretion.
- Anhydrous citric acid: No interactions have been found with this component, as with saccharin sodium dihydrate.
- Propylene glycol: It is preferable that if any medication contains this component in its composition, avoid it in pregnant or lactating women. Although there is no factor that fully indicates that it is malignant, we also do not find that it is favorable in this process. Therefore, it must be avoided.
- Polyvidone: Do not ingest products that contain mercury derivative, since these, when they act with iodine, can cause some irritability. Something that this can cause is false positive results in urine and stool blood tests.
It must always be borne in mind that the effect of a drug can cause interactions if it is being treated with others. For this reason, it is necessary that you tell your specialist doctor about any medication you are consuming prior to the treatment indicated. This way you will avoid any unfavorable reaction that its combination may cause.
Uses of loratadine
When you are going to ingest this type of medication, it is vital to carefully follow the indications or instructions recommended by a specialist or in this case the pharmacist. Do not exceed the dose that we find in the leaflet, otherwise it could present adverse effects to this medicine.
This is orally, preferably taking the tablet with water, as recommended in most medications. It is preferable to take on an empty stomach to obtain a faster absorption effect. Do not use loratadine to treat skin infections or rashes without first consulting a doctor . If you have any type of urticaria and it is treated through this medicine, you must pay attention to if you have any type of difficulty speaking, swallowing, breathing, swelling of the tongue, dizziness or slight loss of consciousness, suspend its use and attend immediately to the specialist who prescribed the medication.
This is effective in those who have hypersensitivity against any external agent, generating an immediate reaction. Loratadine is very well digested in the digestive system , it is metabolized in the liver, and its waste is then eliminated through the feces.
- You must be sure that you are not allergic to loratadine, or in that case to any of its components.
- It is vitally important to tell the specialist what type of additional medications you are taking or want to take, be they herbal, natural, vitamins or a protein supplement. In order to determine if these do not alter with the components of loratadine.
- It should not be consumed by pregnant or lactating women.
- Medical surveillance with patients who suffer from any complication of the kidneys, liver or suffer from some respiratory disorders, such as asthma .
- It should be known that loratadine contains phenylalanine , which should not be ingested by patients with PKU (an inherited condition that causes mental retardation). Why can’t they ingest this component? Because it can cause brain damage, seizures or intellectual disability.
- It should not be consumed by patients suffering from liver failure.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.