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The Tapioca is a starch derived from cassava tuber widely consumed in South American continent that is rich in vitamins and minerals. The cultivation of yucca is very old and dates back to the times of the Mayan culture, whose Indians used the starch root to feed themselves and stay nourished. The pressing of the cassava root is the first step to obtain the tapioca.

Currently there are many people who incorporate tapioca into their diet, and it is that endless benefits and properties of this starch have been shown, which, among other things, is highly recommended for people with celiac disease. Besides being healthy, it is very tasty and can be used in different recipes. In this eHealth article we explain what tapioca is, what its benefits are and how you can prepare it.

Tapioca properties

It is a starch that is derived from the pressing of the cassava root. Once the tuber is pressed, it is dried in the sun and subsequently ground. As a result, a very fine flour is obtained that is known by the name of tapioca. At present it is possible to find this food as flour and flakes and its use is very popular in the preparation of desserts and soups, although it is also used to thicken sauces and other preparations.

Tapioca offers very positive nutritional properties for the body, as it is rich in vitamins and essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the human body. Here we explain the main health properties:

  • High content of carbohydrates that provide a large amount of energy. It is also rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Due to its high carbohydrate content , its intake is not recommended in people with metabolic syndrome, overweight or diabetes .
  • Vitamin B is one of the most important for the functioning of the central nervous system and the whole body in general, since it is an important part of the process of formation of red blood cells. Tapioca is rich in vitamin B, a substance that also intervenes in the correct absorption of other nutrients.
    • B1: one of the most important nutrients in the body since it actively participates in the different processes it carries out to assimilate energy nutrients from food.
    • B2: is related to the production of both antibodies and red blood cells.
    • B3: vitamin B3 plays a very important role in the proper functioning of the digestive system . It also participates in various functions of the skin and the nervous system.
    • B6: this vitamin of group B is essential for certain actions of the immune system to take place.
    • B9: and, finally, vitamin B9, which is involved in the formation of red and white blood cells.
  • It also provides vitamin C to the body that, in addition to strengthening bones and teeth, combats the effect of free radicals in the body, is an antioxidant and increases the defenses of the immune system to prevent diseases.
  • Minerals are essential for the whole body to function properly. Tapioca is a food very rich in magnesium , which favors the proper functioning of the intestines and the muscular system . Also in potassium , a fundamental mineral for the nervous system. And finally, phosphorus , which is part of the elements necessary to transport energy to muscles and various tissues.
  • Due to its high fiber content, tapioca is considered an astringent and digestive food.
  • Tapioca does not contain gluten, so it is an excellent food to nourish people with celiac disease or those with intolerance to said protein.

Now that we know the properties of tapioca, we want to share with you the concentration of all these nutrients per 100 grams of this starch:

Energy345.00 kcal
Carbohydrates84.90 g
Protein0.58 g
Fats0.20 g
Fibe0.40 g
Water13.90 g
Calcium12.00 mg
Iron1.00 mg
Magnesium3.00 mg
Zinc0.12 mg
Selenium0.80 µg
Sodium4.00 mg
Potassium20.00 mg
Vitamin B20.10 mg
Vitamin B30.15 mg
Vitamin B60.01 mg
Vitamin B91.00 µg

Tapioca benefits

Thanks to its nutritional composition, it offers many health benefits, among the most important are the following:

Improves digestion

It is a food rich in fiber, a substance that helps the body to better metabolize food during digestion. Fiber is an excellent ally for optimal liver function and for stimulating intestinal transit. Thanks to its fiber and protein content, it is an easy to digest food that helps fight constipation and abdominal inflammation.

Fight anemia

Among the properties of tapioca, its content of B complex vitamins stands out. These nutrients are essential for the body to produce good quality red blood cells that help transport oxygen throughout the human body. In addition, vitamin B is essential for the correct absorption of iron in the blood. Taking into account that anemia is a condition that occurs when a person has low levels of red blood cells or iron in the blood, we can say that tapioca is an excellent food to improve this condition.

Soluble fiber

The fiber in this food is soluble, which means that it is more easily absorbed. The consumption of this type of fiber helps to improve the symptoms of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux. Adding a little tapioca to your meals can help prevent symptoms of both conditions.

Energetic and slimming?

Without a doubt, the main benefit is that it is an energizing food thanks to its high carbohydrate content. Its ability to provide energy has made tapioca a healthy option to eat before practicing any type of sport and to maintain the necessary performance during it.

Now, due to its composition rich in carbohydrates, many people consider that tapioca can stimulate overweight, is this true? This depends on the state of health of a person, pre-existing diseases and the amount consumed per day, because everything in excess ends up being harmful to health. In addition, it generates a great feeling of satiety in the body, which helps control anxiety and the desire to eat between meals.

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Strengthens the bone system

It is one of the foods with the highest mineral content, in it we can find iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and zinc, substances that play a fundamental role in the bone development of the human body. Its consumption helps to have much stronger and healthier bones and teeth.

Reduces birth defects

Tapioca is a food whose consumption is highly recommended for pregnant women. The reason is that, being rich in B vitamins and folic acid, it prevents certain neural tube disorders in babies.

Generates a feeling of satiety

Tapioca is a food widely consumed by those who are following a weight loss diet as it generates a great feeling of satiety .

Tapioca contraindications

Because it is a starch that is derived from cassava, it does not cause negative health consequences, except in people who are allergic to cassava, who, in general, are very few. However, it is important to note that tapioca should always be consumed cooked, since its raw intake can be toxic to humans.

Likewise, if a person suffers from metabolic syndrome diabetes, they should consult their doctor about the amount of this food allowed in their daily diet to avoid insulin spikes in the body. It is also essential to ask the specialist what is the best time of the day to eat this food in order to keep blood glucose levels at bay.

The balanced consumption of tapioca does not have negative effects on the weight of a person who maintains a healthy lifestyle and exercises frequently. However, those people who eat it daily and do not perform any type of physical activity may notice an increase in weight in their body frame.

Easy recipes with tapioca

There are many ways in which we can integrate tapioca into our diet every day, here are some options:

Tapioca coffee


  • 1 cup of tapioca previously soaked
  • 3 cups of milk
  • 1 measure of black coffee
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • Cinnamon powder


  1. Heat the milk over medium heat in a saucepan and without letting it boil.
  2. When the milk is hot, stir in the coffee, sugar, and vanilla. Stir to integrate the ingredients.
  3. Add the tapioca to the preparation and stir with a trowel to integrate and avoid sticking.
  4. Then add the beaten egg yolks and mix with the paddle until the tapioca balls are transparent.
  5. Repeat the preparation of the fire, serve the coffee in a dessert glass and decorate by sprinkling cinnamon on the surface. Take advantage!

tapioca soup


  • 1 liter of beef broth
  • 2 butter spoons
  • 1 loaf of fried bread
  • 4 tablespoons tapioca
  • 2 egg units
  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat the liter of beef broth in a saucepan and when it boils add the tapioca. Cook over medium heat until the tapioca is transparent.
  2. Then add salt to taste, eggs and butter to the preparation. Mix and cook until the yolks are done.
  3. Serve the soup on the plates and accompany with a piece of fried bread. Enjoy your meal!

Yogurt, passion fruit and tapioca cream


  • 2 jars of natural yogurt
  • 100 gr of passion fruit or passion fruit pulp
  • 60 gr of tapioca
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 coconut or vanilla cookies


  1. Cook the tapioca in a saucepan with boiling water for 5 minutes or until you notice that it is transparent and rubbery.
  2. Add the yogurt, sugar and passion fruit pulp to a bowl, mix and store in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, grind the cookies in the blender or in a food processor until they are powdered.
  4. To serve, mix the yogurt and passion fruit along with the tapioca and sprinkle with plenty of cookie powder.

Tapioca balls with red wine


  • 1/2 cup tapioca
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of red wine
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar


  1. To begin with the preparation of the recipe, first the tapioca is left to soak for two hours.
  2. Then, in a saucepan with boiling water, cook over low heat until boiling.
  3. Once it reaches the boiling point, it is removed from the heat, the sugar and wine are added, and it is brought to the boil again, stirring occasionally to prevent the tapioca balls from sticking to the saucepan.
  4. When the balls are transparent, they are removed from the heat.
  5. To serve they are placed in individual glasses and left to cool for a few hours in the fridge.

Tapioca and coconut


  • 150 grams of tapioca
  • 1 liter of water
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 100 ml of condensed milk


  1. First, the tapioca is soaked in a bowl with warm water overnight.
  2. The next day the tapioca balls are placed in a saucepan along with the water and cooked over low heat, stirring from time to time so that they do not stick.
  3. Before it comes to a boil, add the coconut milk and condensed milk. The ingredients are mixed.
  4. When the tapioca balls are transparent, remove them from the heat.
  5. The dessert is kept in the fridge for several hours before serving.

tapioca dulce


  • 1 egg
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • 100 grams of tapioca balls
  • 2 cups of milk


  1. After letting the tapioca balls rest in a bowl with water to soften, they are placed together with the egg yolk, milk and vanilla. The ingredients are left to rest for five minutes before beating.
  2. The sugar is added and all the ingredients are beaten.
  3. Once they have rested for a few minutes, cook the mixture over low heat. It is important to stir the ingredients constantly until a kind of paste forms.
  4. It is removed and allowed to cool. When serving, add sugar and cinnamon.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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