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Tips to take care of your health in autumn

The fall is one of the times of the year as far as delicate state of health, both physical and mental concerns. During the autumn many changes take place, such as the decrease in daylight hours and temperatures, which can lead to certain diseases.

Here are the best tips for taking care of your health in autumn.

Essential tips for staying healthy in the fall

Here are the best guidelines to take maximum care of your health in autumn and greatly minimize the risk of certain diseases such as the flu or cold, among others.

Foods rich in vitamin C and fiber

Autumn is one of the times of the year when the body shows greater vulnerability to external agents such as viruses or bacteria. That is why it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C , which strengthens the immune system .

Some of the foods richest in this nutrient are strawberries, citrus fruits such as oranges, peppers, Brussels sprouts, and tomatoes . All of them also have great properties and benefits for the proper functioning of the body, so its consumption is 100% recommended.

Increasing the consumption of foods with a high fiber content is also recommended . The reason is that, during the fall, the meals are more abundant than in the summer: soups, stews… Thus, the digestions become longer and heavier. Fiber is an essential nutrient to promote intestinal transit .

Hydrate the body

Some consider that hydration is only important during the summer months due to the high temperatures. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When the cold begins to arrive, the meals become more abundant and the body has more trouble digesting them. That is why it is advisable to consume between two and two and a half liters of water daily , especially between meals to help the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Achieve the right temperature

If autumn is characterized by something, it is because it is very unpredictable as far as the weather is concerned. Thus, to avoid sudden changes in temperature, it is important to dress appropriately. It is about covering enough to go cool, but without getting hot.

Therefore, avoid bundling up to the point of sweating. A good trick is to dress in several layers of lightweight clothing that can be put on and taken off depending on the time of day.

Exercising outdoors

Regular physical exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Fall is a perfect time of year for outdoor activities , like running or biking, for example.

When it comes to doing sports outdoors during the fall, choose warm clothing that is breathable to avoid excessive sweating.

Increase hygiene

Humidity is something typical of autumn, which can lead to humidity in homes, in which fungi and bacteria accumulate. That is why it is so important to ventilate the home daily to renew the air and prevent these microorganisms from growing.

Similarly, the humidity of this time of year can become a problem for personal hygiene if a series of basic guidelines are not taken into account. The sweat is a clear indication that the temperature of the body is inadequate and needs to cool off . Faced with this excess heat, the clothes become damp and there is a certain risk of bacteria proliferating that cause different skin disorders. Thus, it is very important to maximize hygiene.

Keep a good mood

In autumn the hours of daylight decrease and, in addition, the days turn in many cases gray and dark. This is the main reason why many people suffer a low mood, being more irritable.

To avoid this, it is recommended to perform activities that increase the production of serotonin , also known as the hormone of happiness. The risoterapia for example is a great benefit therapy to improve mood.

Anti-flu vaccine

The flu is one of the diseases that occurs most frequently in the fall. Although in the vast majority of cases it is a mild infection, in certain population groups it can be life-threatening.

Thus, during the months of October and November , flu vaccination is essential among those over 60 years of age, pregnant women, those who suffer from chronic diseases and health professionals.

When a certain vaccine is administered, a series of microorganisms are inoculated so that the organism faces them. Therefore, it is a great stimulus for the immune system, which begins to produce effective antibodies to fight the virus.

What are the most common diseases in the fall?

Autumn implies a climate change that in many cases can affect the health of both young and old. This is one of the times of the year when illnesses are most frequent. Below we have explained the most common ones.


The cold is, without a doubt, the most recurring disorder during the fall among children and adults. The most common symptoms are runny and stuffy nose and sneezing . In some cases, other symptoms such as a sore throat or headache also occur .

The cold is spread from person to person; The virus is spread by microscopic droplets released when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose. People are generally most contagious during the first two days of illness.

In the vast majority of cases the cold disappears after a few days . Doctors recommend resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking medications to relieve symptoms as much as possible.


The humidity typical of autumn greatly increases the infections that occur in the mucous membranes. Thus, conjunctivitis is one of the disorders that occurs most frequently in autumn.

It is an eye infection characterized by inflammation of the transparent membrane that covers the white part of the eye . It is very common among children, although adults can also develop this disorder.

The most noticeable symptom of this disease is eye redness , as well as discomfort in the affected eye. Photosensitivity is another of the signs of conjunctivitis.


Both the humidity and the cold of autumn can lead to different actions on the skin such as dermatitis. The most common symptom is reddening of the skin and a change in its texture, which is rough. The vast majority of patients also experience severe itching.

There are a series of measures that are worth remembering to prevent dermatitis: hydrate the skin daily, use cotton garments to promote perspiration of the skin, avoid prolonged showers of hot water and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Stomach flu

Gastroenteritis is a disease of the digestive system characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the intestine . The direct cause of this disorder is a virus or bacteria that has entered the body.

The symptoms of this disease are the following: diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, fever and chills .

It is generally not a serious disorder, and the vast majority of people recover within a few days. The main risk of gastroenteritis is dehydration . Drinking plenty of fluids is essential to replace losses with diarrhea and vomiting.


And finally, depression, a very common illness in the fall, especially among the adult population. The explanation lies in the fact that melatonin levels increase as a consequence of the decrease in sunlight. In parallel, serotonin is reduced, thus causing apathy, sadness and fatigue.

It is not just about feeling sad for a few days for a certain reason. People with depression feel permanently empty and sad. Also, they lose interest in their favorite activities and feel tired for no apparent reason. Regarding the relationship with the people around them, they are irritable.


The truth is that there is no 100% foolproof method to avoid fall illnesses . However, by applying the indicated guidelines in daily life, the risk of viruses and bacteria entering the body is greatly minimized.

It is very important to pay special attention to the health of population groups at risk : babies and children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems or those suffering from chronic diseases, and the elderly.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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