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Burning when urinating

The burning to the urination is a fairly common problem among both men and women. In general, it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain when urinating or the presence of blood in urination, among others. It is important to perceive any type of problem in the urine and, if so, go to the doctor.

What is itching when urinating?

The sting of urination , also known as dysuria , is when during urination and a burning sensation burning arises.

Itching when urinating occurs in the vast majority of cases due to a urinary infection , which is why this pathology is more common in women than in men. However, the causes can also be other, such as a sexually transmitted disease or an allergic reaction to an intimate hygiene product. When the stinging sensation when urinating persists for more than two days, it is important to see a doctor to establish what the cause is and determine the appropriate treatment.

Causes of burning when urinating

Urine infection

As we have pointed out, urine infection is the most common cause of itching when urinating. A disease that in the vast majority of cases is mild and affects mostly women.

In general, this symptom is accompanied by others to which it is necessary to pay special attention: constant feeling of full bladder, elevated body temperature, strong smell of urine , general malaise and tiredness for no apparent reason. The most common treatment is taking antibiotics.

Inflammation of the prostate

Inflammation of the prostate, which is called prostatitis , can be bacterial or non-bacterial in origin. The most noticeable symptom is pain and difficulty urinating, which is accompanied by others: a sensation of pressure in the lower abdomen, blood in the semen, frequent urination and erectile dysfunction.

Prostate cancer

Although it is not the most common cause, itching when urinating can also respond to prostate cancer . It is the most common malignant tumor in men, especially the elderly. The prognosis depends largely on early detection.

The main signs are: difficulty urinating , need to urinate frequently, burning when urinating, presence of blood in the urine or semen, intermittent urine flow and pain when ejaculating.


The candidiasis is a relatively common disease sexually transmitted diseases among young people. One of the most frequently repeated signs is burning when urinating, as well as itching of great intensity in the intimate area and redness.

This disorder is characterized by the accelerated and uncontrolled growth of fungi in the genital area . Although it is more common in women because this area is permanently wet, it can also occur in men.

Wounds in the genital area

Another of the probable causes of itching when urinating are the small wounds that appear in the intimate area, both in men and women. Depending on why the injury arose, as well as its depth, other common symptoms are: pain, bleeding, and inflammation.


The cystitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the bladder due to bacterial infection. This disorder is very painful and annoying. Early detection is essential to prevent the infection from spreading to the kidneys.

The signs are: constant need to urinate , burning sensation when urinating, presence of blood in the urine, cloudy urination with a strong smell and discomfort in the pelvis.

Bladder stones

The gallstone are generated urinary stones in the kidney and then accumulate in the bladder. The causes for which they are formed are very diverse. One of the main risk factors is following a diet with excessive protein content.

The most common symptoms are painful urination, as well as blood in the urine . It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid health complications.

Allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products

Special care must be taken when using intimate hygiene products as in some cases they can cause an allergic reaction in the area. Products such as creams, gels and deodorants sometimes contain an excessive amount of chemical components that unbalance the natural pH of the skin .

In addition to itching when urinating, there are other symptoms such as itching and redness of the area. The most common is that the signs are given immediately after using the product in question. Treatment consists of washing the genital area with warm water and pH neutral soap.

Symptoms of burning when urinating

Regarding the symptoms that accompany itching when urinating, it depends on what is the cause of this pathology. One of the most common signs is inflammation and redness in the genital area.

In addition, some patients have other symptoms related to urine: frequent urination, intermittent urination flow, cloudy and unpleasant-smelling urine, etc.

Pain is another relatively common symptom. There are those who suffer discomfort in the lower abdomen , as well as in the pelvis and groin.

Diagnosis of burning when urinating

When the itching when urinating lasts several days and, in addition, is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to establish what the cause is. Based on the evidence presented, the doctor will suspect certain pathologies .

One of the most common tests is urine analysis and culture . In this way the doctor can determine if there is any type of alteration in urination, such as the presence of blood, proteins or leukocytes. If the doctor suspects that the cause is an STD, they will most likely order a blood test.

Sometimes it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the bladder . If the doctor suspects that the problem is in the prostate, a digital rectal examination is performed on the patient.

They are relatively simple and quick medical tests that allow us to determine exactly why a patient experiences itching when urinating .

Complications of burning when urinating

There are a number of signs before which it is important to act as urgently as possible: painful urination in pregnant women , painful urination that lasts more than 48 hours, cloudy urine, presence of blood in the urine, and elevated body temperature. There are a number of complications that can occur.

  • Pyelonephritis : permanent kidney damage is known as such. The cause is an acute or chronic kidney infection due to a urinary infection that has not received adequate treatment.
  • Premature baby : when the urine infection occurs in pregnant women, the risk of premature birth is very high.
  • Septicemia : one of the most serious complications as it can be life-threatening. It occurs when the infection spreads to the kidneys.

Burning when urinating in man

Although the prevalence is notably higher in women, urine infection can also affect men, especially between 45 and 55 years of age. One of the main symptoms of this disease is itching when urinating.

In young men, the urinary infection usually appears as prostatitis , with symptoms such as high fever , difficulty urinating, burning, and pain when ejaculating. As for older men, itching is the most common symptom when urinating, as well as the presence of blood in the urine or semen. In these cases, treatment consists of the administration of antibiotics for between two and three weeks.

Of course, this pathology can also be caused by problems in the prostate. From mild conditions such as prostatitis to more serious ones such as prostate cancer .

Stinging when urinating woman

Urine infection is much more common in women than in men, mainly because the urethra is shorter and is located very close to the anus. Thus, exposure to certain risk factors, such as having unprotected sex or swimming in public pools, can lead to itching when urinating.

Beyond urine infection, the burning sensation during urination can have other causes, such as bladder stones . Also other disorders such as vaginitis, characterized by inflammation of the mucous wall of the vagina.

Certain STDs , such as chlamydia or genital herpes are other common causes of itching when urinating in women. It is essential to know the reason for applying the appropriate treatment.

Burning when urinating in pregnancy: urinary infection

Urine infection is one of the most common illnesses during pregnancy. And it is that during the gestation stage, the pH of urination is modified, so that it becomes less acidic and more likely to contain glucose. Thus, the risk of bacteria proliferating multiplies.

Additionally, increased progesterone levels during pregnancy relax the muscles in the pathways that connect the bladder and kidneys. In this way, they dilate and slow down the flow of urine, thus increasing the risk of bacteria reproduction.

One of the main complications of urinary tract infection during pregnancy is pyelonephritis , a disease that puts both mother and fetus at risk. That is why urinalysis is frequent during pregnancy.

Home remedies for itchy urination

Given this symptom, as we have pointed out, it is important to see a doctor if it lasts more than 48 hours. Even so, there are a series of home remedies that help alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases such as urine infection.

  • Sitz bath with vinegar: this is one of the most popular home remedies thanks to its great antimicrobial power. You just have to fill a bucket with 3 liters of warm water and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Then you have to sit inside the bucket for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, dry the area well by gently patting it with a clean cotton towel.
  • Parsley Infusion: a natural tonic with anti-inflammatory properties. To make the infusion, only 10 grams of parsley should be added to 1 cup of burning water. Once the drink is at a warm temperature, it is taken by taking small sips.
  • Baking soda : Baking soda is a very effective ingredient in eliminating bacteria accumulated in the urinary tract and in the bladder. This home remedy calms itching when urinating. For its preparation you only have to dilute 1 gram of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water. When you feel discomfort when urinating, it is swallowed.


Although in the vast majority of cases itching when urinating is not a symptom of serious problems in the urine, it is important to see a doctor to determine what the cause is. If there is an infection, the most common treatment is the administration of oral antibiotics.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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