Prostate cancer can become a common concern in men as they age. This pathology is much more common than it is believed , being necessary to carry out periodic check-ups to treat it early in case of its detection. If you want to know some of the most practical methods currently available to detect prostate cancer, we indicate them below
What is prostate cancer?
As with other types of cancer, the development of prostate cancer occurs after the formation of malignant cells and their abnormal growth in the tissues of the prostate. It should be noted that this is a disease that only affects men, since the prostate is present in the area of the male reproductive system .
So, it can be said that basically prostate cancer is produced by the excessive growth and multiplication of malignant cells and with abnormalities in the prostate area , thus generating the appearance of tumors.
As mentioned before, this type of cancer is more common in men over the age of 60. However, it is not ruled out that this pathology may also appear at any time in life.
How to detect prostate cancer?
There are different symptoms or signs that can indicate the possible presence of prostate cancer. Being important, the detection of this disease in an early way to proceed with its respective treatment. Next, we will mention some of the most common symptoms that can indicate the presence of prostate cancer:
- Difficulty starting to urinate, as well as interruptions when doing so.
- Problems fully emptying the bladder.
- Discomfort when urinating (such as burning and pain).
- Frequent need to go to the bathroom to urinate.
- Constant pain in the pelvic area.
- Presence of blood in both urine and seminal fluid.
- Feeling of constant tiredness and sudden dizziness.
- Cardiac arrhythmia.
It is recommended to pay attention at home to all the symptoms mentioned above . Several of these presented at the same time, can indicate the risk of developing prostate cancer. Likewise, it is important not to confuse prostate cancer with benign prostatic hyperplasia, since both conditions present similar symptoms.
If you have any concerns, it is best to immediately go to a health professional who can rule out the presence of either of these two diseases. If you are Spanish, the GenesisCare Spain centers may be the ideal option to go and get a checkup. They specialize in everything related to the treatment of prostate cancer using innovative techniques, which we will talk about in greater detail later.
Causes of prostate cancer
Although there is currently no determining factor for prostate cancer, there are various aspects capable of representing a risk factor for the appearance of this disease. Thus, some of the main causes of prostate cancer are the following:
- The advancing age in men may be a risk factor naturally suffering from this disease. Thus, considerably increasing the risk of suffering from this type of cancer after 50 years of age.
- Family history with this disease can greatly increase the possibility of suffering from this disease.
- A high-fat diet can also be a risk factor for prostate cancer. Increasing the risk in those people who tend to consume large amounts of red meat especially.
It should be noted that prostate cancer can become a silent disease with slow progression. However, as time passes, the symptoms of this pathology can become more and more noticeable, becoming increasingly worse consequences. Therefore , it is necessary to find a way to detect it early to treat it more effectively .
Treatments to follow in prostate cancer
Currently, there are various treatments that can be carried out to treat prostate cancer. However, it is important to detect the presence of this disease early so that there is a wider range of alternatives. This is because treatment can vary according to the stage of this disease.
These are some of the most common treatments that are usually carried out to treat cases of prostate cancer:
Surgery is one of the main alternatives when treating prostate cancer in young people, and when it is in its early stages (I, II, III), as well as to contribute to the relief of symptoms in more stages. advanced.However, as just mentioned, this alternative is usually limited to people in good general health and relatively young . Since in these cases, advanced age can be considered as a limiting factor that can prevent your surgery.
It is essential to follow the assessment and decision made by the health professional in charge of your case.
Radiation treatments are usually one of the most used alternatives to treat prostate cancer cases. There are different types of radiotherapy treatments that can be carried out according to the stage in which the cancer is. Finding among some of these types of treatments the following:
- Brachytherapy.
- External beam radiation therapy.
- Radiation therapy with modulated intensity.
- SBRT + Hydrogel.
According to each particular case, and taking into account the side effects that the treatment through this method can produce, the doctor will be in charge of indicating the most opportune treatment to follow with radiation.
It should be noted that in the GenesisCare Spain centers you will find a very practical novel alternative to treat prostate cancer today . It is the SBRT treatment (Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy) in combination with Hydrogel, which has been mentioned above.
What is particular about this type of treatment is that it allows treating the tumor with higher potency doses, the use of hydrogel being essential for the treatment to be even more effective.
In addition, thanks to the different existing technological advances, the treatment carried out with this alternative consists of 5 sessions. Contrasting considerably with the 30 sessions that are carried out through conventional radiotherapy treatment.
Focal therapies
Focal therapies can be considered as a kind of ‘alternative treatments’ , since these are not usually found within the type of conventional treatments to treat this pathology. Carrying out such therapies, especially to treat mild cases of prostate cancer.
The characteristic of this type of treatment is that in addition to being less invasive than others, they are carried out through processes that involve both the use of cold and heat and other types of characteristics.
It is important that you seek detailed information from a health professional about the advantages and disadvantages of opting for this type of alternative treatment to treat mild cases of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is an important disease, which must be treated in time
It is recommended to go regularly to the doctor and have periodic examinations to rule out the presence of this pathology. Likewise, constant control with the doctor can contribute to better health care, and before the appearance of prostate cancer, it can be detected and treated early.
Remember that despite the fact that the appearance of this disease is not usually common at an early age, the possibility that it may appear at any time in life is not ruled out .
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.