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How Stress Affects Health


As experts point out, stress is one of the main diseases of the 21st century, both among adults and children. According to data provided by the World Health Organization, stress accounts for 12% of all ailments globally.

Do not forget that ongoing stress can have both short and long-term physical and mental effects. Regarding the causes that generate the stress situation in an increasing number of people, they find in the vast majority of occasions an extremely busy personal and work life.

According to the ‘VII CinfaSalud Study. Perception and habits of the Spanish population around stress’, endorsed by the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS), the factors that generate the most stress in Spaniards are the following: family problems, excess activities and lack of time, financial problems, fatigue, labor conflicts and health.

Types of stress

We can define a total of three types of stress based on their duration.

Acute stress

It is called as such the type of stress that arises as a response to an event that takes place at a certain point in time, such as the delivery of a project or a trip. It occurs in the short term, so it generally does not cause any type of damage to the body.

The most common symptoms of acute stress include back pain and headache, muscle stiffness, heartburn, irritability, and anxiety. In addition, other signs such as breathing difficulties or even dizziness may appear.

Acute episodic stress

This type of stress is very similar to the previous one, with the difference that in this case the episodes of stress and anxiety occur more frequently. It is common for it to be given for work reasons ; professionals with great responsibility or who have to deal with a greater amount of work than they are capable of assimilating.

They are people who are characterized by almost permanently presenting a state of nervousness and tension . Symptoms include headaches and chest pain, hypertension, and muscle aches. On an emotional level, little by little anxiety takes over them, reaching a point where everything gets completely out of control.

Chronic stress

It is the type of stress that causes the greatest damage to the body, both physically and mentally. It occurs in people immersed in a certain situation to which they see no way out ; they feel that they are completely unhappy and do nothing to find a solution. Generally, it arises as a result of a traumatic event that has taken place in the past.

The consequences of chronic stress can be fatal if left unchecked, such as suicide or violence towards people around you. Treatment in the vast majority of cases is medication.

Symptoms of stress

When stress is acute, which occurs at specific moments, the most frequent symptoms are: nervousness, distraction, worry and migraine .

If it is chronic stress, both physical and emotional symptoms are more severe. The person feels that they are tired even in the first hour of the day, they notice a very intense pressure in the chest that prevents them from breathing with difficulty and their heart rate increases.

How does stress affect health?

To answer this question, it is first important to know how the body reacts to stress.

In the case of acute stress, the most frequent reaction is fight or flight . Faced with a situation that generates nervousness and anxiety, the body sends several hormones to the blood circulation; in this way, these hormones increase their concentration, as well as their ability to react, at the same time that they accelerate the heart rate. Once they have coped with the stress situation, the body returns to normal.

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When it comes to chronic stress, it is more complex. When a certain person lives in a continuous state of nervousness, the body does not have time to recover. Therefore, hormones accumulate in the bloodstream, which can cause serious health problems in the medium and long term.

Stress and health

It is worth noting that when times of stress are specific, they can even be beneficial for health because memory and ingenuity are sharpened. However, when these moments are repeated over and over again in time, they can be very harmful to health. These are the main consequences.

  • Obesity: one of the body’s main reactions to a stressful situation is an increase in appetite, which favors weight gain. Thus, in the short and long term, the chances of suffering from obesity skyrocket. This disease can lead to others such as diabetes or certain cardiovascular conditions, such as myocardial infarction .
  • Immune system: Of course, stress significantly weakens the immune system. Thus, the risk of suffering illnesses such as the flu or the cold are higher.
  • Cardiovascular system: chronic stress can lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, it can also raise the level of glucose in the blood, especially at night.
  • Nervous system : stress significantly damages the nervous system. Anxiety can lead to insomnia and a lack of interest in everyday activities.
  • Brain: in relation to the brain, when stressful situations are repeated continuously over time, memory and attention span and decision can be affected.

The best relaxation techniques

If you suffer from stress, be it acute or chronic, there are a number of very effective techniques to combat it. We also wrote previously about some techniques for coping with stress .


When you feel like everything is overwhelming you, take a few minutes to breathe and connect with yourself. Place your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply ; you will feel how your abdomen and chest rise slightly. While doing this exercise, it is best to keep your eyes closed visualizing an image that helps you relax. Hold the air for two to three seconds and then breathe out through your mouth. Ideally, do five rounds of deep breathing. You will see how you feel much better.

Muscle relaxation

Another good idea to significantly reduce stress is to relax the muscular system ; Generally, muscle tension is one of the main symptoms of this condition.

You simply have to stretch all the muscles of the body, tensing them for 10 seconds and then relaxing them . It is best to start with the feet and ankles and continue with the waist, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck and face.


There are many people who are immersed in a spiral of work and family in which they see no way out, which generates great stress.

From time to time take a day for yourself, to connect with your inner self and release all worries . Without a doubt, the best thing is to make a trip to the mountains or to the beach, a place where you are in contact with nature.

Relaxation exercises

Another good idea to relax is to go for a relaxation technique , such as tai-chi or yoga. They are oriental arts that manage to generate a great feeling of well-being and peace of mind. Currently in almost all cities there are centers that teach classes of this type of techniques and that are 100% recommended for people who suffer from stress.


As experts point out, stress is one of the main diseases of the 21st century, both among adults and children. According to data provided by the World Health Organization, stress accounts for 12% of all ailments globally.

Do not forget that ongoing stress can have both short and long-term physical and mental effects. Regarding the causes that generate the stress situation in an increasing number of people, they find in the vast majority of occasions an extremely busy personal and work life.

According to the ‘VII CinfaSalud Study. Perception and habits of the Spanish population around stress’, endorsed by the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS), the factors that generate the most stress in Spaniards are the following: family problems, excess activities and lack of time, financial problems, fatigue, labor conflicts and health.

Types of stress

We can define a total of three types of stress based on their duration.

Acute stress

It is called as such the type of stress that arises as a response to an event that takes place at a certain point in time, such as the delivery of a project or a trip. It occurs in the short term, so it generally does not cause any type of damage to the body.

The most common symptoms of acute stress include back pain and headache, muscle stiffness, heartburn, irritability, and anxiety. In addition, other signs such as breathing difficulties or even dizziness may appear.

Acute episodic stress

This type of stress is very similar to the previous one, with the difference that in this case the episodes of stress and anxiety occur more frequently. It is common for it to be given for work reasons ; professionals with great responsibility or who have to deal with a greater amount of work than they are capable of assimilating.

They are people who are characterized by almost permanently presenting a state of nervousness and tension . Symptoms include headaches and chest pain, hypertension, and muscle aches. On an emotional level, little by little anxiety takes over them, reaching a point where everything gets completely out of control.

Chronic stress

It is the type of stress that causes the greatest damage to the body, both physically and mentally. It occurs in people immersed in a certain situation to which they see no way out ; they feel that they are completely unhappy and do nothing to find a solution. Generally, it arises as a result of a traumatic event that has taken place in the past.

The consequences of chronic stress can be fatal if left unchecked, such as suicide or violence towards people around you. Treatment in the vast majority of cases is medication.

Symptoms of stress

When stress is acute, which occurs at specific moments, the most frequent symptoms are: nervousness, distraction, worry and migraine .

If it is chronic stress, both physical and emotional symptoms are more severe. The person feels that they are tired even in the first hour of the day, they notice a very intense pressure in the chest that prevents them from breathing with difficulty and their heart rate increases.

How does stress affect health?

To answer this question, it is first important to know how the body reacts to stress.

In the case of acute stress, the most frequent reaction is fight or flight . Faced with a situation that generates nervousness and anxiety, the body sends several hormones to the blood circulation; in this way, these hormones increase their concentration, as well as their ability to react, at the same time that they accelerate the heart rate. Once they have coped with the stress situation, the body returns to normal.

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When it comes to chronic stress, it is more complex. When a certain person lives in a continuous state of nervousness, the body does not have time to recover. Therefore, hormones accumulate in the bloodstream, which can cause serious health problems in the medium and long term.

Stress and health

It is worth noting that when times of stress are specific, they can even be beneficial for health because memory and ingenuity are sharpened. However, when these moments are repeated over and over again in time, they can be very harmful to health. These are the main consequences.

  • Obesity: one of the body’s main reactions to a stressful situation is an increase in appetite, which favors weight gain. Thus, in the short and long term, the chances of suffering from obesity skyrocket. This disease can lead to others such as diabetes or certain cardiovascular conditions, such as myocardial infarction .
  • Immune system: Of course, stress significantly weakens the immune system. Thus, the risk of suffering illnesses such as the flu or the cold are higher.
  • Cardiovascular system: chronic stress can lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, it can also raise the level of glucose in the blood, especially at night.
  • Nervous system : stress significantly damages the nervous system. Anxiety can lead to insomnia and a lack of interest in everyday activities.
  • Brain: in relation to the brain, when stressful situations are repeated continuously over time, memory and attention span and decision can be affected.

The best relaxation techniques

If you suffer from stress, be it acute or chronic, there are a number of very effective techniques to combat it. We also wrote previously about some techniques for coping with stress .


When you feel like everything is overwhelming you, take a few minutes to breathe and connect with yourself. Place your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply ; you will feel how your abdomen and chest rise slightly. While doing this exercise, it is best to keep your eyes closed visualizing an image that helps you relax. Hold the air for two to three seconds and then breathe out through your mouth. Ideally, do five rounds of deep breathing. You will see how you feel much better.

Muscle relaxation

Another good idea to significantly reduce stress is to relax the muscular system ; Generally, muscle tension is one of the main symptoms of this condition.

You simply have to stretch all the muscles of the body, tensing them for 10 seconds and then relaxing them . It is best to start with the feet and ankles and continue with the waist, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck and face.


There are many people who are immersed in a spiral of work and family in which they see no way out, which generates great stress.

From time to time take a day for yourself, to connect with your inner self and release all worries . Without a doubt, the best thing is to make a trip to the mountains or to the beach, a place where you are in contact with nature.

Relaxation exercises

Another good idea to relax is to go for a relaxation technique , such as tai-chi or yoga. They are oriental arts that manage to generate a great feeling of well-being and peace of mind. Currently in almost all cities there are centers that teach classes of this type of techniques and that are 100% recommended for people who suffer from stress.



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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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