The Snoring occurs when there is a certain obstruction of the air passage in the back of the mouth and nose. Thus, when the tongue and the palate collide with each other, a vibration is generated during breathing, leading to snoring. This problem is more common in men than in women, especially among those over 50 years of age. It is estimated that around 45% of adult men snore frequently. Thus, it is important to know tricks to stop snoring .
How is snoring generated?
When a person sleeps, the throat muscles relax. At that time the tongue falls back, thus narrowing the airways. During the breathing process, the walls of the throat begin to vibrate, both on the inhale and on the exhale. These vibrations lead to snoring.
What are the causes of snoring?
- Obesity: one of the main causes of snoring is obesity, both in men and women. The reason is that the airways receive greater pressure from the accumulated fat in the neck.
- Alcohol and tobacco: snoring is sometimes linked to alcohol and / or tobacco. It is best to avoid consuming them before going to bed and limit their consumption.
- Posture: The posture in which you sleep also has a significant influence on snoring. When lying on the back, the base of the tongue falls back, thus reducing the space through which air passes.
- Poor sleep hygiene: in many cases snoring is due to improper sleep hygiene; not getting enough sleep, not always going to bed at the same time, receiving too much stimulation just before bedtime, etc.
- Blockage of the nasal passages: the fact that the nose is congested is one of the most common causes of snoring, which can be due to different reasons, such as a cold or allergy.
- Anatomy of the mouth: Having a soft, low and thick palate can lead to narrowing of the airways.
- Medications: Certain sleep medications can relax the central nervous system and the muscles as a whole. Similarly, antihistamines to treat allergy symptoms promote snoring.
- Menopause : in the case of women, a large percentage of them snore after menopause. One of the main reasons is weight gain due to hormonal changes.
Remedies to stop snoring
There are a number of very effective home remedies and tricks to prevent snoring.
Closed mouth
People must both inhale and exhale the air through the nose. Thus, a good trick to avoid snoring at night is to fall asleep with your mouth closed . The open mouth causes air to enter through it, hitting the palate and causing the vibration that causes snoring. It’s as simple as falling asleep with your jaws closed. It may be a bit complicated at first, but with time and practice it will get easier.
Open nostrils
If the nostrils are open, the risk of breathing through the mouth is notably less. To do this, it is best to use salt water sprays , which effectively remove any type of dirt accumulated in them.
No to alcohol and tobacco
Both alcohol and tobacco cause congestion in the nasal passages . Thus, it is best to avoid smoking during the four hours before going to bed. As for alcohol, it is recommended to limit its consumption to two days a week.
Five minute method
There is a widely extended exercise globally and highly recommended by experts. It is enough to dedicate five minutes to it, after which the muscular structures that participate in the emission of snoring are reinforced.
First of all, once lying down, you have to open your mouth to the maximum and stretch your tongue as much as possible. The tongue is then moved from side to side and up and down. And finally, while moving the tongue, a certain song is hummed.
Physical exercise
One of the main causes why men snore more than women is that they have a thicker neck since they accumulate more fat in this area of the body. Therefore, practicing physical exercise frequently is a good trick to lose fat both in the neck and in the rest of the body. In this way, in addition to avoiding snoring, good health is also promoted.
Sleeping on your side
When you sleep on your back, the pressure on your neck is much greater. It is best to rotate the body to make snoring disappear, or at least minimize it. Therefore, the best sleeping posture is to sleep on your side .
Sometimes snoring is due to an allergy or nasal congestion . In these cases, dry air can significantly worsen symptoms, so placing a humidifier in the room may be a good idea.
Dine light
And finally, to avoid snoring it is important to dine as light as possible, avoiding copious foods that are difficult to digest.
Infusions to stop snoring
You can make infusions with 100% natural ingredients to stop snoring.
- Peppermint: Peppermint is a very effective ingredient to prevent snoring at night, especially when it is caused by respiratory problems such as colds or allergies. You just have to add a drop of mint in a glass of cold water and gargle for a few seconds before going to sleep. In this way the throat is cooled, allowing the passage of air.
- Nettle: Nettle is another of the best natural ingredients to stop snoring. You just have to prepare an infusion by adding some nettle leaves to a cup of boiling water. After straining and letting it warm for a few seconds, it is taken by taking small sips.
- Lavender: Lavender is a plant that greatly helps to fall asleep as it clears the airways. You can make an infusion based on it, or steam before going to bed to breathe better at night.
- Hops: this ingredient has a series of substances that promote relaxation and rest. One of the best natural remedies to prevent snoring. It is best to have a cup of hop tea before bed.
- Thyme: Thyme has mucolytic and antiseptic properties that help you breathe better. This is a very effective remedy to avoid nasal ingestion, and it can be applied both as an infusion and as a mist.
Obstructive sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by the relaxation of the throat muscles, causing the airways to become blocked during sleep. One of the main symptoms of this disease is precisely snoring.
Risk factor’s
Although there is no exact cause that gives rise to this disorder, there are a series of risk factors that significantly increase its development.
- Overweight: It is estimated that 50% of people with obstructive sleep apnea are overweight. In these cases, fatty deposits that accumulate around the airways obstruct breathing.
- Gender: when it comes to gender, this disease is more common among men than women.
- Airways too narrow: This is a hereditary cause and, as its name suggests, it means that the airways have not grown as they should.
- Hypertension: Hypertension is another risk factor to consider.
- Tobacco: People who smoke regularly are more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.
Regarding the symptoms, the most notorious are strong snoring. In addition, obstructive sleep apnea causes poor sleep, which significantly minimizes the quality of life of those who suffer from this disorder: daytime sleepiness, headache upon waking, irritability, mood swings, and high blood pressure .
In general, people who snore are not aware that they are doing it. Thus, they can only trust what the people who sleep around them tell them. In some cases they wake up gasping in the middle of the night, distressed by difficulty breathing, but it is not something that happens too often.
When snoring is very loud and occurs continuously, causing awakenings and minimizing quality of life, it is best to consult a doctor. However, in principle, it is best to resort to the different tricks to avoid snoring . In the vast majority of cases it is enough to apply them to prevent snoring.
Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.