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Antisocial personality disorder

Antisocial personality disorder is also known in popular culture as psychopathy or sociopathy. Subjects with an antisocial personality disorder have a general pattern of contempt and violation of Human Rights.

The antisocial personality disorder may be accompanied by other psychological disorders, such as anxiety disorder , intermittent explosive disorder , histrionic personality disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder.

Often individuals with this personality disorder lack  empathy , are insensitive, and do not consider breaking laws and neglecting respect to achieve what they want to be a problem. You have to be careful, they look like lovely people, but this is just a camouflage, an ironic symptom of the sociopath.

It is common to be fooled by people with antisocial personality disorder; We should not feel bad if this happens, since people with this disorder have incredible abilities to lie and cheat almost by nature ; it is very difficult to notice if we do not know the person.

This disorder usually begins in childhood or adolescence and continues into the person’s adult life. It is normal for antisocial disorder to begin as a defense mechanism . But when the individual discovers what he can achieve with his behavior, he decides to adapt it as his own. When they incorporate antisocial behavior, subjects become unable to express their true emotions, they even lie to themselves about them – through another defense mechanism.

Causes of antisocial disorder

Currently, there are no specific causes that lead an individual to present this psychopathology (antisocial personality disorder). There are several theories that agree that this personality disorder can be caused by biological, genetic, social and psychological factors at an early age.

According to research carried out, there is a great risk that a person with antisocial personality disorder will transmit – due to the genetic factor – the same disorder to their children. This disorder can also be acquired through upbringing; If the child grows up with a person who suffers from this disorder and does not seek treatment – nor is he interested in accepting it – it is possible that the child acquires this behavior as part of his personality , generating an acquired disorder in him.

Psychological factors such as abnormalities in some areas of the brain, or being exposed to traumatic or disturbing situations , can be considered as triggers of antisocial personality disorder.

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Symptoms of antisocial disorder

  • Contempt and violation of the rights of other people
  • It occurs from the age of fifteen but generally before that age they had behavioral disorders such as conduct disorder.
  • They show extreme disregard for the norms and laws of society
  • There are antecedents in childhood, such as: absence of impulse control, lies, sadism towards animals
  • Scams for personal gain or pleasure
  • Impulsiveness
  • Extreme aggressiveness
  • Irritability
  • Repeated physical fights
  • Persistent irresponsibility
  • Inability to plan for the future
  • Quarrelsome
  • Inability to maintain a constant job or financial obligations
  • Lack of guilt, remorse, and anguish
  • Low tolerance to frustration
  • Failure to adapt social norms
  • Reiteration of acts that are grounds for arrest in legal matters.
  • They engage in illegal activities
  • Obvious disregard for your safety and that of others
  • Cold
  • Manipulators
  • Seducers
  • They use aliases
  • They simulate diseases
  • They may engage in sexual behaviors or substance use that have serious consequences
  • Inability to tolerate boredom
  • Conceited
  • Arrogant
  • Stubborn
  • Self-sufficient
  • Braggarts
  • Lack of empathy
  • Superficial charm

Treatment for antisocial disorder

Treatment for antisocial personality disorder usually involves long-term psychotherapy with a therapist experienced in this type of personality disorder.

Commonly in addition to long therapy sessions, medications are prescribed to help with the specific symptoms and discomfort of this disorder.

If the patient does not improve with psychotherapy and medications, you can try rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a treatment where the patient is hospitalized and receives daily psychological or psychiatric care, supplemented with drugs. This treatment is usually used in chronic patients or when the symptoms are severe and put the life of the self or other people at risk.

If, according to the symptoms detailed above, you believe that you are in the presence of a person suffering from this disorder, we recommend that you consult with a mental health professional as soon as possible.

Note: All personality disorders must be diagnosed by a trained mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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