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Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamins are organic substances essential for the proper functioning of the body, both physically and mentally. They differ between two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble .

Water-soluble substances are present in foods rich in both protein and carbohydrates : cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, etc. As for the fat-soluble ones, they are dissolved in fats and are found in food with a high grade content: dairy, eggs, oil, etc.

Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamins are classified into two large groups based on their ability to dissolve. Thus, we can differentiate between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamins

The water – soluble vitamins , as their name suggests, are those that dissolve in water, so they are easy to pass through the urine. Therefore, they are not stored in the body. That is why it is so important to maintain a continuous intake of them to avoid any type of deficiency that puts health at risk.

These vitamins move freely through the body, and excess amounts are eliminated by the kidneys. It is important to remember that the body requires water-soluble vitamins in small amounts, but frequently.

Compared to fat-soluble ones, which dissolve in fat, water-soluble ones are much less likely to reach toxic levels.

The water-soluble vitamins are as follows.

  • C: the vitamin C belongs to this group. Its main function is to strengthen the immune system, so that it is better prepared to fight diseases such as flu and colds.
  • B1: this nutrient has a very important role in the functioning of the nervous system . In addition, it actively participates in both the growth and maintenance of the skin and tissues.
  • B2: its main function is oxygenating, so that it intervenes in cellular respiration. Also watch out.
  • B3: this vitamin of group B participates in the blood circulation, as well as in the nervous system. That is why its consumption is so important for the proper functioning of the body.
  • B5: plays an essential role in many functions of the body, such as the synthesis of iron and the formation of insulin. In addition, it reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • B6: this nutrient is involved in the formation of red blood cells, cells, and hormones. In addition, it regulates the levels of sodium and potassium in the body:
  • B8: one of the most important vitamins since it has an active role in the formation of hemoglobin. It also participates in obtaining energy through glucose.
  • B9: vitamin B9 is responsible for the formation of red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen through the bloodstream.
  • B12: and, finally, vitamin B2. It is very important in the synthesis of hemoglobin, as well as in the functioning of the nervous system.

Lista of fat-soluble vitamins

The main defining characteristic of fat-soluble vitamins is that they have the ability to dissolve in fat. That is why they are stored in the fatty tissue of the human body. Thus, the intestine absorbs nutrients easily.

It is not necessary that their consumption be as continuous as in the case of water-soluble vitamins since they are stored for a long period of time in the body. In addition, from fat tissue, vitamins A and D are stored in the liver. In this organ its reserves can last several months.

Deposits are depleted faster than soluble vitamins are the vitamin K . It is for this reason that the lack of this nutrient is noticed earlier.

It is important to pay attention to the consumption of foods rich in these vitamins. And, as they accumulate in the body and are not eliminated, excessive consumption can cause toxic levels to be reached. The human body shows special sensitivity to excessive intake of vitamins A and D.

Vitamin A

The Vitamin A , also called retinol, plays a wide range of very important functions for the body to remain in good health condition. One of the most important is that it participates in the growth of both bones and cells.

It is precisely this nutrient that is responsible for taking care of vision . And it is that vitamin A generates a series of fundamental pigments for the retina. In the case of pregnant women, it is essential to maintain an adequate consumption of this nutrient since it favors the normal development of the embryo.

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Vitamin A can be found in both animal and plant foods . In the first group, some of the main food sources are dairy and some fish. As for the second group, the nutrient is found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, lettuce, apricots, and squash.


The vitamin A deficiency is a relatively serious condition because it can affect eye health in both the short and the medium and long term. Over time blindness can develop.

In addition, both the eyes and the skin become dry and damaged, so that infections are much more frequent.

Vitamin D

The vitamin D is another key nutrient for good health, both physically and mentally. Beyond the different food sources, the sun can account for up to more than 50% of the vitamin available in the body.

Regarding their functions in the body, they are very broad. The most important of all is that it has an active role in both the formation and maintenance of bones. In addition, it participates in the growth of cells , especially in relation to the central nervous system.

Vitamin D also helps with blood clotting . An essential function to prevent certain diseases, such as strokes or cardiovascular disease.

In addition, it enhances the absorption of other nutrients in the intestine, such as calcium and phosphorus.


The richest sources of vitamin D are: dairy, liver, fish, oysters and cereals. Foods of both animal and vegetable origin.


The vitamin D deficiency is especially severe in children. And it causes rickets in the smallest, which leads to deformations in the bone system and muscle weakness.

There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of this nutrient deficiency. It is the elderly and people who are obese who should be more careful.

Vitamin E

The vitamin E , also called tocopherol, is known as vitamin fertilization. And it is that various studies indicate that rats with a deficiency of this nutrient have developed various problems in the testicles.

It is one of the nutrients that the body absorbs the least through the intestine. It is estimated that of the total vitamin E that is ingested daily, only 30% is absorbed.

In terms of its functions, they are very diverse: it has an active role in the formation of red blood cells , prevents the formation of clots in the bloodstream, prevents premature aging of the skin and cells, minimizes the risk of muscle degeneration in the old age and strengthens the immune system.


As for the foods richest in vitamin E, they are mostly of plant origin : wheat germ, dairy products, nuts, green leafy vegetables and asparagus.


The deficiency of vitamin E is as a direct result of malfunctioning nervous system, which can cause different neurological abnormalities.

Vitamin K

The Vitamin K also called clotting vitamin, which gives an idea of what their most important functions. It is interesting to note that the toxicity of this nutrient occurs rarely.


Food sources of vitamin K are of both plant and animal origin: green leafy vegetables, animal liver, salmon, tree nuts, soybean oil, butter, potatoes, and cheese.


Just as vitamin K toxicity is rare, so is vitamin K deficiency in the body. It occurs especially in newborn babies since the intestine does not have the synthesis process of this vitamin. The most noticeable symptom is frequent bleeding.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that fat-soluble vitamins are found in foods with a relatively high fat content. They are absorbed in the intestine, are stored in the liver and accumulate in the fatty tissue of the body.

Thus, unlike water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins do not need to be consumed daily. It should be noted that it is easier to reach toxic levels, especially if nutritional supplements are consumed without medical supervision.

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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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