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Hypervigilia or hypervigilance is a type of disorder of consciousness , which works by exalting neurobiological systems to protect people from threatening situations. This psychopathology is characterized by abnormally increased levels of alertness, greater clarity at the level of consciousness, and greater motor and verbal activity.

When a person suffers from hypervigilia, their brain is at 100% of its sensory activity, therefore, states of attention and sensory sensitivity tend to improve.

It is normal to be in a state of alert when we are faced with imminent danger; But people with hypervigilia show excessive alertness that interferes with their daily lives, causing problems and causing difficulties with relationships, social interaction, and can even cause paranoid thoughts.

Causes of hypervigilia

This state of vigilance and awareness, can be caused by by severe anxiety, fear, stress or various disorders such as  borderline personality disorder , disorder narcissistic personality , disorder paranoid personality and schizotypal .

Hypervigilia can also be caused by different traumas and cumulative effects of many disturbing or unpleasant events.

People who have generalized anxiety disorders or who abuse psychoactive substances – such as drugs that stimulate the nervous system – can frequently experience episodes of hypervigilia.

Symptoms of hypervigilia

Some of the symptoms that people with hypervigilia experience are:

The symptoms experienced by those with hypervigilia disorder may be the same as those experienced by people with manic episodes.

Relationship between hypervigilia and mania

A manic episode is not a disorder in and of itself, but rather is diagnosed as part of a condition called bipolar disorder .

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The manic episode is characterized by an elevated, euphoric, expansive, or irritable mood.

It is estimated that this condition can be caused by biological factors and experiences such as sleep deprivation.

Although hypervigilia can cause episodes of mania, this is one of the main symptoms of mania and bipolar disorder , therefore, we can say that there is a direct relationship between hypervigilia disorder and manic episodes.


There are various treatments for hypervigilia. The use of the appropriate treatment will depend on what is the cause that originated the disorder.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most widely used and most effective treatments to treat this condition. This therapy tries to find the root of the problem, make the patient aware of what is happening to him, and provide him with the necessary tools to face it in the best possible way.

Severe cases of hypervigilia may require more intensive treatment, including prescription medications . Medications may include: antidepressants, anxiolytics, and antipsychotics. For greater efficacy in treatment, it is recommended to complement drug treatment with psychotherapy.

Some people choose to add relaxation techniques – such as meditation – to treatments to treat hypervigilia. This technique helps people to be aware of their thoughts, relax the body, and decrease euphoria and hyperactivity.

When hypervigilia is the result of a threatening environment – such as ongoing domestic violence – the first step in treatment should be to help the person get out of the dangerous environment.

For those who live with someone who suffers from hypervigilia disorder, it is very important that they seek effective support from mental health professionals.


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Hello Readers, I am Nikki Bella a Psychology student. I have always been concerned about human behavior and the mental processes that lead us to act and think the way we do. My collaboration as an editor in the psychology area of ​​Well Being Pole has allowed me to investigate further and expand my knowledge in the field of mental health; I have also acquired great knowledge about physical health and well-being, two fundamental bases that are directly related and are part of all mental health.

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